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i was out the whole day (yesterday) so i forgot to update lmao but im done with school for the first semester yipee

i was out the whole day (yesterday) so i forgot to update lmao but im done with school for the first semester yipee

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"jesus is this a school or a fucking maze?"

jaein's ears perked at hearing an angry voice in the distance. she peeked from the stack of books in her hands to see a short-haired girl walking in the distance,

she raised a brow at seeing how frustrated the girl looks before slightly shrugging and continued to walk as her eyes focused on the books in front of her, literally

she knew she couldn't mess up a single step or else a book or two or maybe all of it will fall down and that will only waste more of her supposed to be recess time,

but just like any other day when you thought everything's going to be all great, fate says no <3

out of the many wonders in this world, jaein managed to trip over her own foot sending her stumbling forward. a swore left her lips as she hurriedly tries to balance the stack of books in her hands while focusing her whole weight on her feet to stabilize herself,

sensing the books are still safely stacked, a relieved sigh escaped her lips until a voice said,

"who the fuck threw a book at me?!"


".. and that's how i became .. friends? with her"

the tan male let out a loud laugh at hearing her story while the girl only had an unsure expression on her face as her fingers continued to press the black and white keys in front of her.

after the whole stumbling and accidental book throwing incident, jaein repeatedly apologized to the short-haired girl and minji being the chill girl she is, she forgave jaein

but with a price,

she asked jaein to give her a tour of the school, since she just transferred and also asked jaein to be her very first friend in this school

and minji wasn't the type to have someone say no to her requests,

and that's how jaein suddenly have a new friend and almost got detention for being 10 minutes late to mr. qian's lecture

you could say it was the benefit of having straight a's in chinese literature

his laugh turned to chuckles until all was left was a fond smile on his lips. he leaned his side on the piano's body as his eyes trailed to her delicate fingers moving around on the keys as his ears welcomed the beautiful sounds she's making,

"minji seems fun, you should keep being friends with her"

"i'll try"

he let out another chuckle as he felt he keeps being amused by her thoughts and words,

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now