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enjoy reading today's chapter!

small sniffles left the girl's lips as she occasionally wipes the gliding tear on her cheek

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small sniffles left the girl's lips as she occasionally wipes the gliding tear on her cheek. not wanting to be stared at by the passersby around her, she had her head lowered making her eyes meet with the grass below her

her mind has been replaying the events from earlier on repeat which worsen her already sensitive state, different types of emotions rushed through her body and clashed together - making the girl go through an endless emotional breakdown for the past few minutes

she thought she'll be fine after finally speaking up, but once she got past those doors - tears were already flowing from her eyes again. she fought back the pooling tears in her eyes as she made her way towards the park in her neighborhood,

she didn't even bother to check if the park was crowded or not and went straight towards the other side of the park where people rarely visit, then settling on one of the benches there

she sat down harshly and instantly gripped the seat as she leans forward with her eyes shut closed, tears poured down to her cheeks as her body trembled slightly

knowing that she's in public and is already used to crying in silence, she fought back the sobs and wails by biting her bottom lip as sniffles replaced the pained cries she's holding in

a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she raised her head towards the sky, still with her eyes closed. she let the tears slide down her cheeks as she tried to calm herself by fixing her breathing,

in that moment, she felt her cheeks getting wetter but she knew those weren't tears as they were hitting her face instead of gliding down. she opens her eyes to see droplets of water falling down on her and her surroundings, it was rain

she then closes her eyes again and let the rain hit her face to her body, completely soaking her clothes and hair.

"does mother nature hates me that much?" she chuckles dryly

she didn't know if the rain was actually helping her getting into the emotional mood even more or just mocking her by ruining her day even more, she never once understood the rain

drowning herself in her deep thoughts as she tried to enjoy the rain's company, she wasn't able to notice the loud voice shouting her name from the distance as running footsteps began to near her

"seo jaein!!"

surprised by a sudden presence in front of her not to mention, how familiar the voice was. her eyes shot opened and she lowers her head to see a drenched donghyuck in front of her, the jacket he's holding up on his head didn't do much help as coverage

because she was taking too long to process the situation, the tan male began to speak again

"what are you doing here?! it's raining!!" worry with a little pinch of anger were present in his loud voice that was fighting the loud noise of the downpour

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now