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prepare your hearts for another uwu galore!!

prepare your hearts for another uwu galore!!

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"donghyuck! jaein! you're on in 3 minutes"

the said names replied to one of the committees in charge before resuming their warming up session.

the tan male repeatedly let out different types of notes ranging from low to high as the girl kept on stretching her wrist and fingers by moving it around, while also occasionally checking the music sheet to remember how the song goes so she can play smoothly later

"are you nervous?"

raising her head to meet the standing male in front of her, she hesitatingly shook her head but quickly changed it into nodding, making him laugh at her unsure manner

"so, in between hm?"

jaein nods her head again as she wore a sheepish smile which made all of the uwus surged throughout his body, he tried his best to resist the urge to hug the life out of the girl as he found her too adorable

"i know you'll do great so do your best okay? if you somehow make a mistake, i'll adjust to you quickly so the audience won't notice"

the girl let out a small laugh as she nods her head before pointing a finger towards him as she teasingly said, "you better not have a voice crack after eating that corndog"

the tan male rolled his eyes in a playful manner before setting his hands on his hips as he shifted his weight to his other foot, "who do you think i am? renjun?"

hearing the name 'renjun' and connecting it to the word 'voice crack' instantly brought memories to jaein's mind from when she met mark and jisung for the first time.

all of them went to a karaoke place and rented it for hours as many of them had the hots for singing. on that day, she and minji found out that many of the boys are extremely talented in singing and honestly, she was rooting for them to be singers as she believed they would've been successful in that industry

but of course, singers or not, they're all humans. after singing different songs for the past hour, renjun seemed to reach his limit as he accidentally cracked his voice while singing a ballad titled 'home from' that was sung by a famous group 'tcn' that had 50 different units and the unit responsible for the said song is 'vocal legends'

of course, the boys found his accident cute and couldn't help but to tease the male, clowning them every 10 seconds. thank god minji was there to hold him back or else, the news would have 6 names written under missing people

he fixed his black orbs on the laughing girl as he felt a big ass wave of serotonin rushing through his blood, sending the tan male to a euphoric state.

he then placed a hand out to the girl as he said, "shall we, milady?"

with the same smile still on her face, she accepted her hand as he pulled her up to stand, "we shall, kind gent"

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now