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jaein flinched as she abruptly stopped in her tracks at seeing a hand appearing in front of her out of the blue. her eyes focused on the milk in his hand before trailing upwards towards the person's face and surprise surprise,

it's your neighborhood savage, donghyuck

jaein let out a heavy sigh at the male as she frowned at him, "you scared me"

the tan male gave her one of his childlike smiles as he quickly apologized before holding out the milk towards her again. she raised an eyebrow at the male as she eyed the milk suspiciously,

"and that's for?"

donghyuck huffed out a sigh before swiftly reaching out for her hand and placed the milk on it before retracting his hands to his pants' pockets, "take it as an apology"

"apology for what?" jaein's eyes flickered between the milk in her hand and the tan male's face before finally stopping in his eyes, hoping it'll give her the answers she needs

but to her disfavor, the male diverted his eyes elsewhere - breaking off their eye contact,

unknowingly to her, worry began to grow inside of her. she followed his gaze that went everywhere, from the trees and bushes to the students walking inside the gates and passing them, heck even to the 2 students dancing around on their school's rooftop

she then diverted her eyes back to his face and that's when she began to notice the troubled look he had which made her even more curious about what fault he did,

"yesterday.." he began

jaein hummed out as a sign for him to continue while silently trying her best to ignore the stares they're getting from the other students passing them.

"i've realized that maybe i've been pushing myself to you too much, i mean i'm sure you're actually uncomfortable with me but i just never considered to thi-"

"okay- what are you babbling about right now?"


once again, their expressions mirrored each other. they both stared at each other with the same bewildered look on their faces as neither of them were able to process what the other just said until jaein finally understood the situation,

"look, hyuck" the said male felt the familiar foreign feeling coming back again at hearing how she called him just now. he brushed off the weird feeling while maintaining his silence and his whole focus on her as she continued,

"i don't know where you got that idea of me being uncomfortable with you but if this was about yesterday- you didn't do anything wrong.. if you look at it again, it should've been me apologizing to you since i was a .. you know-"

"yeah, you hurt my feelings yesterday"

jaein's lips immediately pursed tightly as she momentarily closed her eyes before opening them and stared straight at the tan male in front of her who was pouting but hey don't let it deceive you, the mischief in his eyes was clearly seen by jaein

jaein sighed heavily as she shifted her weight to her other foot while crossing her arms in front of her chest, "you know- i was actually being genuine and sorry for once but you just had to-"

the girl was cut off by a melodious laugh that came from the tan male himself.

feeling that she had enough for this morning, jaein sighs once again before starting to walk past the male. she was already sleep-deprived from last night and to be faced with a lee donghyuck in the morning just made her even more tired,

she began to hear that the laughter had died down and has been replaced with the sound of footsteps running towards her. she didn't bother to slow down but she also didn't fasten her pace, she only kept on walking until he finally reached her,

"hey, hey.."

she felt his hand reaching out for her shoulder before finally arriving in front of her. as soon as their eyes met, the tan male passed her a sweet smile before taking a step forward and bent his knees slightly as he placed both hands on her shoulder,

the tan male searched her eyes and tried his best to stifle his squeal at seeing how flustered she was with her eyes flickering everywhere. he silently cleared his throat before finally speaking,

"i'm sorry for being insensitive yesterday and for upsetting you just now, i forgive you.. you'll forgive me hm?"

jaein knew that making eye contact with him wouldn't be a safe bet, considering how close their faces are right now and the atmosphere between them just made her mind gone all hazy, making her unable to think straight

she cleared her throat awkwardly before looking down to her shoes as her shoulders shrugged, "i wasn't... upset"

the tan male eyed the girl in front of him as the corner of her lips curled upwards into a smirk, he let out an amused chuckle as he lowered his head to the side to see the girl's face,

"my eyes are here though"

jaein raised her head and immediately met eyes with him. seeing the awkward yet flustered expression on her face made the tan male let out another laugh before releasing his hands off of her shoulder and stood up straight

then he straightens his hoodie's sleeves so it'll cover his whole arms before holding out his hand towards her, "come on, the bell's about to ring"

she wasted no time and immediately shot her hand out to grip the hoodie's soft fabric on his arm. truthfully, she was about to grab his hand but then a side of her said that she was in no place to do that,

donghyuck eyed her hand small gripping his hoodie's sleeve and let out a chortle before nodding his head, "i guess that works as well"

the tan male started walking with her following close from behind. they paid no attention to the eyes following them as he leads her towards her locker,

she released her grip on his arm and went to open her locker as the male leaned on the locker beside hers with his arms crossed. his eyes followed her every action as he failed to notice the secret adoration seeping through his very own orbs,

and that's when he noticed the bags under her eyes, the color made him frown.

"come with me after school"

jaein finished grabbing her books and closed the locker before turning to face him with a brow raised at the tan male, "where to?"

the tan male didn't answer, he only reached out to grab her hand to place it on his arm for her to hold before motioning her to start walking with him again,

jaein stared at his back with her brows knitted together, "if you're not answering then i'm no-"

"music room"

he then looks back at her and passed her another of his warm smile before saying,

"i'll sing you to sleep"

i desperately want a lee donghyuck 😔

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i desperately want a lee donghyuck 😔

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now