s e v e n t e e n

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yo get urselfs comfy bcs this gon be a long ass chapter

yo get urselfs comfy bcs this gon be a long ass chapter

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"call me if something goes out of hand okay?"

jaein nods her head at the tan male who's caressing her head repeatedly while also holding her hand tightly, both actions as an attempt to give support towards the girl

still with the usual warm smile on his lips, he leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her forehead. he took a few seconds to leave his lips lingering as she closes her eyes and fully enjoy his sweet yet comforting action

feeling his lips parting from her forehead, she opens her eyes and instantly met with his twinkling ones

"there, it's a protection charm"

his words sent the girl giggling endlessly as he also chuckled at seeing the happy smile on her face. he then dropped his hand from her head and raised their joined hand up in the air as he motioned the girl to twirl around,

another set of giggles left her lips as she twirled with his guidance before finally facing the usual gigantic black gates that separates the outside world and her so-called home,

the smile on her face got smaller as her whole expression turned serious. with her mind still rewinding the events from last night, she was unaware of the familiar warmth creeping close to her until she felt light breathing ghosting against her ear

"you should start believing in yourself, because i do"

then the warmth disappeared and was replaced with a gentle squeeze on both of her shoulders

as if his words were a mantra, jaein instantly became confident with herself as she nods her head with determination,

"i can do this"


"i can do this, i can do this, i can do this, i can- fu—"

because she was too focused on chanting those self-encouraging words, she was too late to notice the figure standing by the doorway to the living room until she was just 3 steps away

flinching back from the shock as she had a hand placed over her heart, jaein's widened eyes met with her worried ones, wait— worry? jaein began to question herself if there was something in her eyes that messed her vision,

seeing the older woman began to march towards her, made the girl went straight to a panic frenzy as fear also crept inside of her

"m-mom i—"

the girl froze as her words were cut off by the older woman's sudden action. her surprised eyes were fixed on the white wall in front of her before slowly trailing over to her hands that are hovering over the older woman's back as her mind tried to process what just happened,

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now