n i n e

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enjoy today's chapter! and let me honest but im kinda hoping for a lot of comments bcs— well u'll see :)

enjoy today's chapter! and let me honest but im kinda hoping for a lot of comments bcs— well u'll see :)

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"fuc- seriously hyuck?"

the tan male had a happy smile on his face as his lips let out his signature laughter while the surprised girl only heaved out an annoyed sigh at him before facing forward again. his laughter died down to chuckles as he moved to the front of her,

as soon as their eyes met, he passed her one of his cheeky grins which made a faint frown to appear on her face.

"you're seriously annoying"

"i'm proud of it"

amused by the smug expression on his face, the corner of her lips curled upwards as she shook her head at him, "of course you would"

her eyes followed his movement as he crouched down with his crossed arms placed on top of his knees,

"now, what's a little girl doing right here?"

with a brow raised, she questions him with a surprised yet offended tone, "excuse me- little?"

donghyuck nods his head up and down like a child as he wore a teasing grin. he then jabbed his thumb to the place where she was walking before saying, "i saw you running like a kid back there"

immediately, blood rush up to her cheeks as she diverted her gaze elsewhere which made the male let out a small laugh before standing up straight and went behind her again

he placed his hands on her shoulders before gently pulling her back so she can lean onto him, he then moved his hands to the side of her head before gently pulling it back so she'll look up to him,

"hmm, let's see what's inside jaein's head~"

the girl let out little giggles at feeling his fingers tapping repeatedly on her head as her eyes turned into crescents while staring into his closed ones that were accompanied with his furrowed brows to enhance his thinking expression,

"oh, would you look at that!"

his dramatic gasp made the smile on her lips widen as she anticipated his next words. the tan male opened his eyes and gave her a frown with his lips pursed,

"seems like there's a lot of negative energy inside there and hmm.. also a few unnecessary thoughts too"

he noticed the changed expression on her face, especially her smile that got smaller by the second. he quickly gave her a comforting smile as his hands moved to the corner of her lips and gently tugged it upwards,

"don't worry! i have the solution for you and i assure you, milady- that pretty smile of yours will come back in a second"

a relief smile appeared on his lips at hearing a warm chuckle leaving her lips. he retracted his fingers from her lips then moved to her hair before running his fingers through it,

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now