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"so.. you're not going to tell me where we're going?"


jaein's nose scrunched slightly at hearing how the male emphasized the 'p' with a little pop before letting out a light sigh as her lips turned into a small pout.

she tore her eyes from the tan male's back and diverted it towards the walls on each side of her, she mindlessly stared at the posters and other announcements on the bulletin board

interest grew inside of her at seeing a few club rooms up ahead, she briefly checks on the male in front of her who's still busy walking before inching closer towards the rooms so she could slightly peek at what's inside

she took advantage of the opened windows and raised herself on the tip of her toes, her eyes immediately met with students scattered around inside the room - they weren't able to notice her though since they were busy

she continued to walk on her tiptoes as she was still interested in their activity but the more she stared at them, the bigger jealousy began to spark inside of her

jealousy seeped through her eyes as she saw the students joking around, spreading laughter around the room causing it to vibrate enough for it to be heard in the hallway

she never once joined a school club before- well, any club or some sort of activity in general. as much as she wants to, the thought of asking permission first to her parents already drained the excitement inside of her

she doesn't want any extra nagging or scolding outside of her grades so all she could do was just stand back and watched others have fun in front of her,

the only thing that kept her sane is the piano inside her room. she was introduced to the instrument at a young age and no it wasn't by her parents but by a middle-aged maid whom she was very closed with before the said maid retired

the maid was an amazing pianist but due to difficult circumstances she wasn't able to achieve her dream as a pianist. the maid has always been with jaein since she was a baby and she could bravely say that she's been with jaein more than her parents did

jaein was like the daughter she never had and the said maid was like the mother jaein has always wanted. she couldn't stand back and watch jaein live her childhood like that,

so she taught jaein how to play the piano - hoping it would somehow color her monochrome life which did happen. jaein became inseparable with the piano,

they always secretly play the piano together when her parents' aren't around, you can call it their bonding time. jaein felt genuinely happy during those moments which is why those memories became very precious to her till' this day,

when the maid had to retire, jaein was devastated. she didn't click with the new maid and she also had trouble with getting used to being alone.

all she wanted to do is just to play the songs she used to play with the old maid on the piano, she was deeply attached to it. sometimes, she wonders how on earth did she get her parents to agree to have the piano moved from the living room to her room but she's heaps thankful for it

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now