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"-..The agents have been searching for them, since they had robbed about ₩17 trillions from the Seoul bank of Korea and killed 7 innocent people, injuring about 12 guards. The Government try to-"

Sunoo whine at the news in the program, and the television is turn off by Jungwon who's sitting beside him "I really hate them!"

"Me too! Why do they have to killed innocent people? If they want to rob the moneys, they should've just take it without murdering someone"

"That's true" Sunoo nod his head as agreement and look at the wall clock, shocking at seeing the time.
"I have to go home now, it's gonna be late-"

"It is already late though, the outside is dark and what if you suddenly meet the killer on your way home?"

"Wow Jungwonna! I'm so scare....but what if the killer is handsome as fuck? I think I can surrender omg!"

Jungwon put his poker face and gesture the older to get out from his house. Sunoo then laugh at his bestie "hahaha I'm just kidding okay? I know you want me to sleepover but I have to call my sister first and take permission"

"Then I'll tell grandma that your going to stay for tonight"

The two get off from the couch, Jungwon ran towards the kitchen to inform his grandmother about the sleepover, while Sunoo approach the veranda to call his sister.

Sunoo is actually busy bickering with his older sister, which makes him rolling his eyes and stare down at the street, the lonely and used to be quiet road is now fill with few guys. Sunoo, as a curious boy, he tried to focus more on the road rather than his sister's scolding words.

A blonde hair guy was punching the other man who's been holding by two men on his sides. The victim's just wear casual clothes, while the two guys dress in black from heads to toes. And the Blonde guy wear an overall black Jacket, actually dress in all black but more different than the others. He look so bossy...

Sunoo tilted his head and focused on the faces but he can't see them clearly since they wear a mask. The poor victim is now already dragging inside the grey van and push the door roughly after the two men get inside. The blonde guy then hop on his motorbike and ran off, after that, the grey van followed his back.

Sunoo frown at what he has just witnessed. He really hate to see someone being bullied since he do know how it feels. Sunoo hiss and about to walk back inside the house but his sister was till scolding him on the phone....like did he even listen to her? He turn off his phone after saying sweet words to his sister.

"What's with the face?"

"Someone with yellow milk hair pissed me off"

"Oho...who? Where? When? How?"

"I'll tell you in details when we get inside" Sunoo drag his best friend who's just coming out on the veranda. Jungwon follow the older's back and the two continue watching the television.

Jungwon's Grandmother is a kind old lady who care the two boys with whole heart, she treated them without harsh and anything that can hurt their feelings. That's why Sunoo loves to stay in his bestie's house and almost spare his full time with them.

"Kids, drink this warm milk before go to bed okay?"

"Yes Halmeoniiii~!" The two ran quickly towards the kitchen and bring the cups of milk in the living room, wanting to drink while watching some shows. "I hate first day of school" Jungwon suddenly blurt out while sipping the milk. "It's annoying but sometimes it's fun though, do you think we will have newcomers?"

"Of course! Our school is popular and I even heard some gossips, they said we're going to have richass used to be home-school students as newbies. They will blown up the school again oyyy!!"

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