Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow

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Jamie had just woken up and noticed she haven't moved since she fell asleep and Fred's hand was still on her waist. It made her smile that he fell asleep with her .

"Morning darling." Fred stirred as he had just woken up.

"Morning handsome." Jamie replied kissing Fred on the cheek and getting up to get ready for work.

"Where you going, I was so comfy with you." Fred said in his morning voice sending butterflies to Jamie's stomach.

"Well believe it or not we have to work today. Plus its the last day the shop is open before Christmas meaning it is going to be busy. I'm also going to wake your brother up or he wont be up on time." Jamie said walking away in an attempted sexy way.

Jamie knocked on the door of Georges room to hear a faint grumble "I'm awake". Once she knew he was awake she went to the bathroom to take a shower and to get ready. When she was in the shower all she could think about was how she was going to tell Hermione and Ginny about her and Fred. Once out of the shower Jamie brushed her teeth and dried her hair and she noticed she'd forgot to bring her work clothes in the bathroom.

Jamie quickly ran to Fred's room where her clothes were so the boys couldn't see her. When inside Fred's room Jamie went straight over to her dresser and got out her work clothes. Jamie  jumped once she saw Fred in his room and getting dressed, thankfully he already had most his clothes on and was only doing up his shirt. Jamie wouldn't have been able to handle and semi-naked Fred today. Although she didn't mind the sight of his toned stomach.

"Oh shit sorry." Jamie said. " I didn't notice you were here. I will leave." Jamie went to grab your clothe but Fred spoke quickly. "Don't worry about it.  I will leave but I would mind staying." Fred said in a seductive way.

"Get out,  you dont want to be late to open the shop. Sorry no show for you today Freddie." Jamie said in a playful voice while pointing at the door. What Jamie said was true. If Fred didn't leave the room it would have led to something really good. However the shop needed to be opened and Jamie needed to get to work.

Jamie got dressed and ate breakfast as fast as she could. After breakfast Jamie had  5 minuets before the shop opened so she went downstairs into the shop. When she got downstairs Fred and George were discussion something in the office. Jamie decided not to interrupt them so she started to fill up the missing stock. Today Jamie would just be doing random jobs around the store since there was more staff in today as the boys knew the shop would be busy. Jamie could tell that was true from the crowd forming outside the shop to get things for Christmas. Jamie watched as Fred opened the door and the crowds flooded in. Today was going to be a long day.


It was finally time for lunch and Jamie went straight up to the flat. She was pretty hungry and needed to sit down as her feet were really tired. She made herself a sandwich and sat down on the couch to eat it. While she was eating Fred had come up for his break. He made himself a sandwich and came and sat down next to Jamie. 

"Hey you" Jamie said to Fred.

" Hi darling, are you alright ? You dont look so good." Fred spoke back to you.

"I'm alright. Just a bit tired. Iv'e been on my feet all day good job there is only 3 hours till the day is over." Jamie responded to Fred's question. It made her smile that he cared about her.

"Well don't go over board. Take the afternoon easy you could work in the back with the stock if you wanted." Fred said.

"That sounds like a good idea" Jamie said going to give Fred a peak on the cheek.Fred moved his head so that Jamie missed his cheeks and there lips met. This instantly led to them making out on the couch. Fred pulled out his wand and put the silencing spell onto the room. "Muffliato". Jamie's hands were in Fred's hair while he was letting out small moans. Jamie slowly moved towards him and was now straddling him. Fred's hands went from Jamie's face down her back, to her bum. Jamie was moaning, kissing and straddling Fred until she heard George letting out an awkward cough.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now