Chapter 56: Marriage.

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Today the famous Harry Potter would be marrying the love of his life Ginny Weasley. Harry and Ron were sent to spend the night at the twins house while the girls and Charlie stayed at the burrow.

The previous night some of the girls had gotten a little tipsy and Jamie knew she would have to wake up some bridesmaids. Jamie woke up next to Hermione who was already awake feeding Rose.

"Ahhh, hold her for a sec really need to wee." Hermione said, handing Rose to Jamie as she left the room. Jamie welcomed the baby and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Not letting the baby stop Jamie getting in the way of waking the others up, she got out of bed and carried the baby around the house.

Jamie had successfully woken up Rhiannon, Luna and Fleur. Bit suborn Ginny would not get out of bed.

"Gin, it's your bloody wedding day. If you don't get up you'll be late. Do you want your mother to get mad, because I certainly do not!" Jamie sternly.

"Wow sis who got your knickers in a twist. We have plenty of time to get ready." Ginny said sitting up, "Don't we ?"

"Not really, we have a tight schedule. Now go downstairs, eat what your mother has made you for breakfast and get ready. I'm trying to stop her from getting stressed. You saw her at Bill's wedding. " Jamie said while helping Ginny out of bed.

"I did. Anyway, hello Rose. "Ginny said touching the baby's head, "You look really good as a mum Jamie. " Ginny said, turning Jamie bright red.

"Well thanks." Jamie smiled. The comment warmed her heart, Jamie did want kids and being around Rose made Jamie have baby fever. "Right Rose, this go and help your mummy and aunties get ready for today."


Molly was running around like a headless chicken. The boys had turned up helping Arthur set up the back yard. Ginny was getting ready and the bridesmaids were nearly all dressed. Except Jamie. She was trying to help everyone while still looking after Rose.

"Hey boys." Jamie said as she went outside to see what was happening.

"Hey, how's it going in there?" Harry asked.

"All good, your bride to be is looking good."

"Good. I'm nervous." Harry smiled.

"You have the right to be. You are marrying the person you love. But you shouldn't be, you and Gin are made for each other. " Jamie said as she gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. " Good luck little bro. "

Jamie walked over to the twins and Bill who had hold of Victoire. "Hey Jamie." Bill said.

"Hey, looking good you three." Jamie smiled as she gave Fred a kiss and the three siblings thanked her, "How was last night?"

"I don't know how Harry puts up with Ron's shit. One point he was in disbelief that his little sister and best friend were getting married the next complain he missed Mione and Rose." George said.

"Even though I know all of us, love that Gin and Harry are together." Bill mentioned, then walked off when Fleur left the house to greet her husband.

"Anyway, I'll leave you lovebirds alone, I see my girl over there." George said as he ran off.

"Hey love, finally I can speak to you." Fred chuckled.

"I know but I need to get ready. You can come with me if you want." Jamie asked and Fred nodded.

Jamie went upstairs into Ron and Hermione's room where all her stuff was with Rose still on her hip and Fred following her. "Please hold or look after her while I get ready. Hermione gave me her this morning and I kinda just forgot to give her back." Jamie giggled while Fred placed Rose in the cot next to the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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