Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.

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It was start of the Winter holidays and the golden trio and Ginny will be returning back to the burrow today. Jamie was so excited and hadn't seen any of them since Halloween as she had been busy with the twins at the joke shop. At the moment the burrow was practically empty there was only Jamie, Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley there. But soon everyone would be there and now  the trio had left Hogwarts and stopped being so busy Jamie would have someone there with her when she stayed at the burrow. At the moment Jamie was currently staying at the burrow to help out Mrs Weasley with tidying and sorting out sleeping arrangements. 

Jamie had woke up early that morning to help Mrs Weasley sort out the house. As she got out of bed Jamie could hear Mrs Weasley preparing breakfast down stairs. So Jamie walked to the bathroom and got into the shower, she wanted to smell good for her friends. After she had gotten out the shower and brushed her teeth and hair and got dressed. Today Jamie wore  jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Jamie then headed downstairs to the kitchen to molly and sat at the table.

"Do you need any help Mrs Weasley ?" Jamie asked Molly.

"Jamie please call me Molly , You have know me for a long time now and I think of you as family. You can help me dish up breakfast Arthur will be down soon" 

While Mrs Weasley set the table Jamie dished up 3 bowls of  delicious porridge. Jamie loved it ,if she could only ever eat something again it would be this. Mrs Weasley defiantly had a secret ingredient in the porridge. When everybody was home Mrs Weasley didn't make the porridge as her children didn't really like it. As Jamie had just put the bowels on the table Arthur had just come downstairs and everyone began to eat.

~~~~~Time skip, 30 mins~~~~~

Jamie was cleaning up the pots from breakfast and having a conversation with Molly.

"Molly do you need any help with the house today before the other get back." Jamie asked Molly.

"Oh yes please dear. I would love it if you would make the beds and tidy the bedrooms as you guys will be sleeping in them." Said Molly really happy as Jamie was willing to help her.

"I will get right on it."  Jamie said to Molly heading upstairs.

Jamie put the pots from breakfast away and went straight upstairs. The first room she decided to tidy was the girls room. As it would be less messy. It was where Jamie stayed with Ginny and Hermione but as Jamie was already at the burrow she had already clean up and made the bed. Jamie made the other girls beds with the same bedding as hers.  It was purple and and a flower print  then Jamie cast a cleaning spell on the room hoovering the carpet and cleaning up all the rubbish and dirt. Then Jamie headed to the twins room, she opened the door to see that it was pretty clean one of the twins must have been round and cleaned up. There was still some rubbish to pick up and beds to be made so Jamie did that. Jamie then made the beds and cast a spell to clean up. Finally Jamie went to tidy Ron's room this is where Ron and Harry stayed. All Jamie had to do was put away some clothes. She headed over to Ron's dresser and put his clothes inside. In the draw there was journal and it made Jamie's heart melt. She had always saw Ron as a close friend and they had a really good bond together. So Jamie left the journal alone to respect Ron's privacy.

Once Jamie had done the bedrooms she went  into the  music room and started to practice the guitar. It wasn't her favourite instrument to play but the drums were at the twins flat. Arthur would be picking them up at some point for her and at this moment in time Jamie didn't want to play the bass. Jamie had hoped that Ginny wanted to learn the bass so she could gift it to her.  Ginny had always looked at the bass with sparkling eyes and picked it up every time they were near it. 

~~~~~~~Time skip to 3 pm ish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now around 3 pm and everyone should be coming to the burrow. So Jamie headed downstairs and sat on the couch near the fire place. The twins wouldn't be home till around tea time as they were working. It was now 3.30 pm and Jamie could hear voices outside the burrow. Her friends were home. She jumped of the couch and outside to greet them and pull them all into a big hug to tell them how much she missed them.

"Long time no see guys." Jamie said 

" We missed you Jamie " Harry said holding onto Ginny, Jamie gave Harry a big smile.

"How are you two love birds them." Jamie asked Harry and Ginny.

Ron butted in " Well all they do is make out and i'm really tired of it."

"Sad you aren't getting any Ronald." Jamie said giggling at him, he huffed and walked off inside with Harry and Ginny.

Jamie stayed behind and talked to Hermione. "So mione how are you, I missed you so much."

She smiled at Jamie. "I feel amazing, I miss Hogwarts but now I get to spend time with you." Hermione had been spending her time at Hogwarts since the battle had happened. 

Jamie pulled her in for a hug "So lets talk boys,especially Ron."

"I think i'm in love, if not love a really big crush." Hermione responded making Jamie gasp.

"Well I better be on my way to get you together then." Jamie said linking arms with Hermione and walking through the door.


When Jamie and Hermione got indoors Molly was hugging everyone and greeting them home. Molly walked over to Hermione and gave her a really big hug. Hermione would be staying with the Weasley's for Christmas this year and you were so happy about it. After everyone was greeted they all  headed to the bedrooms to un-pack.

When Jamie got to the room Ginny and Hermione were squealing. Ginny turned around "lets talk boys". Jamie forgot Ginny was boy crazy. Jamie and Hermione both sighed.

"So girlies any gossip about your love life." Ginny asked.

"Nope sadly you are the one getting the most action and to be fair Hermione will be getting more than me soon." Jamie said giggled when you said the last part.

"WHAT!!..Spill Hermione." Ginny said. Hermione sighed and blushed at the same time.

"Well Me and Ro..."

"RON!" Ginny practically screamed but not loud enough for Ron to hear.

Hermione went to speak again."Me and Ron have been very close and speaking lately. I think I have a chance with him and I do really like him."

"Love him." Jamie butted in.

"Yes love him." Hermione's cheeks turned bright red and she went all shy.

"Come on Jamie you have to have a crush at least, your 20 years old and a virgin." Said Ginny."I get more action then you and i'm not a virgin." Ginny giggled.

Jamie was jealous that she and Harry were in a happy healthy relationship. She had never experienced anything like it. "You don't have to rub it in Ginny and there is this one guy I like , he is really cute and he's really nice to me." Jamie responded to Ginny.

Hermione's eyes lit up, "You like Fred, I remember you telling me like a year ago you had a crush and you and Fred have gotten very close since then, sometimes you even flirt."

"Well we are friends we have banter we do not flirt." Jamie said back defending herself.

"You just admitted you like Fred and you do flirt I have seen you two at the joke shop when I go to the alley." Ginny said.

"Oh be quiet." Jamie said flopping her hand at Ginny and Hermione.

Jamie could hear the boys walking down the hallway towards her room. Someone knocked and Harry and Ron walked in. They all talked about times when they were at Hogwarts and how life had been recently since Jamie hadn't seen anyone since Halloween.

(A/n: Hi, Sorry if anything is spelt wrong or it doesn't make sense.  I am not the best speller.)

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