Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.

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Jamie was woken by someone shaking her and calling her name. She opened  my eyes to see Fred stood there. 

"J we have to leave for work in like 20 minuets get ready." Fred spoke in a soft voice so he would wake the other girls.

"Alright but remember my work clothes are at yours , so I will have to get dressed there." Jamie said reminding Fred. "But i'll brush my teeth and hair now."

"Ok me and George will be downstairs." Fred said in his soft tone again.

Fred left and Jamie got out of bed. Jamie changed into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. After about 15 minuets she was ready and headed downstairs to the twins.

When Jamie got to the kitchen they boys were both eating some toast. Jamie wasn't very hungry as she was still pretty full from last night, so she just picked up an apple.

"You guys ready to go?" Said George.

"Yup" Jamie and Fred replied at the same time with a chuckle.

They walked over to the fireplace and got some floo powder. George said where they were going and off they went to the joke shop.


They all appeared in the twins living room and Jamie walked over to where she kept her clothes. Jamie noticed they weren't  there so she turned around and looked at the boys.

"Where are my clothes?" Jamie asked the twins.

"Oh yer we brought you some draws so you didn't have to keep them in the living room. They are in my room as George had no space in his." Fred said.

Jamie was so happy that the twins had done this for her. It really made her think of how close she and the guys were. To be honest Jamie were happy her clothes were in Fred room it was like they were a couple. That thought made Jamie blush. Jamie walked over to Fred room and found her clothes. The boys had gone downstairs so Jamie quickly changed from her normal clothes to her work clothes. 

Just as she was buttoning her shirt up Fred walked in. He must have forgot that Jamie was in his room as soon as he saw her he turned around.

"Sorry J, I thought you were finished. I just came in here to get my tie."

"It's ok, You can turn around now I am done." Jamie replied back to Fred with slightly red cheeks.

Fred smiled and walked over to get his tie. Once he had his tie on they both walked down to the shop together. The twins  opened the shop and  Jamie headed towards the tills where she would be working today. 

The shop was more packed then normal but nothing Jamie couldn't handle.  Many people were buying Christmas gifts as Christmas was only four days away and tomorrow would be the last day the shop would be open before Christmas. Many people brought pygmy puffs and many joke sweets. Jamie needed a break but the shop was so busy she wouldn't be able to get a chance to get one so she carried on working, hungry and tired.


It was now closing time at the shop and there was only a couple of people left in the store. Jamie served them at the register and said her goodbyes to them as they left the shop. Jamie was so tired and had been working all day without a break. When everyone had left the shop and Jamie started to stock the shelves. She felt a hand on her shoulder and it made her jump.

"Darling why dont you go upstairs and get something to eat or rest. You have been working all day" Fred said to Jamie.

Jamie nodded in agreement and as she walked away Fred pulled her back and there eye's locked into a gaze. Nobody was around and Fred kissed Jamie, Jamie kissed him back. It didn't last long but it made Jamie's stomach have butterflies. She said goodbye to Fred and headed upstairs.

When Jamie got upstairs George was sat on the couch. He looked over at Jamie and obviously saw how red her cheeks were and how happy she was. He just smiled at her. "I made some pasta if you want some, its in the kitchen." George said.

"T-thanks George. I'll go and get some I will be right back." Jamie said to George barley getting her words out.

Jamie quickly got change into some pj's and went to the kitchen. She dished up some pasta and got herself some water. She could hear that Fred had just come upstairs and the brothers were talking, knowing them two they were talking about Jamie and Fred as they gossiped to each other more then Ginny gossiped to Jamie and Hermione. Jamie walked out from the kitchen and the boys stopped speaking. Answering her question on if they were speaking about her.

"So what you talking about " Jamie asked taking a seat next to George on the sofa. 

"Just work stuff J" Fred said slightly blushing.

"No you wasn't he was talking about how you two snogged" George practically shouted.Making Jamie and Fred slightly blush.

"Well what a nice way to put it George and I bet you wished it was you."  Jamie said making  everyone laugh.

~~~~~~~Time skip a couple of hours~~~~~~~~~

It was getting late and Jamie needed to go back to the burrow but she was wondering that would it be easier to stay at the flat as Jamie had work tomorrow. So Jamie sent an owl to the burrow to tell Mrs Weasley that she will be staying at the flat as it was easier for work. Jamie told the twins and they agreed to have take out for dinner. George said he would get the take out leaving Jamie and Fred alone.

"Goodbye you two dont have two much fun without me." George said leaving to go and get the food. Jamie gave a stare to George that said really.

It was just Jamie and Fred sat there in the living room and it was really awkward. Jamie wanted to start a conversation but didn't know what to say but thankfully Fred began to speak.

"J.. I have something to tell you. I have no clue what your answer will be or how you will react. I just really need to tell you this before something happens and I loose you."

"What do you want to say, Fred please just tell me." Jamie said holding onto Fred's hands. She though he was going to tell her he is ill or somethings happened at the burrow. But what he told her was nothing what she expected.

"J, I  like you and not in the friendship way but the romantic way and this crush isn't new I have like you ever since you started living with us during second year." Fred said in the most nervous voice Jamie had ever heard.

"Fred" Jamie's hands moved to his face, "  Iv'e liked you too since the first time I met you on the train to Hogwarts in first year. I was always scared that if I asked you out you would reject me and the friendship would be ruined." Jamie said on the verge of happy tears. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

As soon as the sentence finished Fred lips crashed into Jamie's and Jamie had the most intense kiss of her life. Jamie wished it was never broken but they both needed a breath for air.  Jamie and Fred went back in for a kiss and Fred's hand moved from Jamie's face over her breasts and to her hips. Jamie's hands went from Fred's face and into his hair, making Fred let out a small moan. Jamie and Fred intensely made out letting the passed 8 years of feeling out until they heard George coming from downstairs. They both quickly attempted to make it look like they hadn't been making out and went back to having a normal conversation.

George came back up and looked at them funny. It was pretty obvious what Jamie and Fred had been doing as Jamie's and Fred's cheek's were bright red and there hair was messy. George just ignored it, he most properly knew they were going to do something like this.

They all headed to the kitchen dished up the food and sat at the table to eat it. They  didn't really speak and it was awkward as George must have know or heard Jamie and Fred because he kept giving that look to Fred. The you did it look and Fred gave him the yes I did look. 

After everyone finished the food they all headed to the couch and watched a movie. Jamie was tired and didn't really pay attention. She put her head on Fred's shoulder and he put his arm round her waist. Jamie slowly drifted off to sleep while the twins were talking but Jamie didn't care what about. Jamie and her crush liked each other and Jamie wondered what the future would hold. She hoped it would hold something good for Fred and her but only time could tell. 

(Word count: 1562 words.)

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now