Chapter 7: Christmas day.

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(A/N: warning there is sexual content in this chapter.)

Jamie woke up before everyone else like normal. But this time she stayed in bed wrapped in Fred's arms. It was Christmas day and Jamie was excited to open her gifts and spend time with the Weasley's. Jamie looked out of the window to notice it was snowing , she already knew that today was going to be a good day. Jamie leaned over and kissed Fred on the forehead trying not to wake him up. He stired in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open. 

"Morning darling." Fred said giving Jamie a kiss back on her forehead.

"Morning sexy. Merry Christmas." Jamie said moving closer to Fred so they could cuddle.

"Merry Christmas." Fred said. As he had finished his sentence Jamie heard Molly shouting down the hall. This made Jamie jump out of Fred's arms and sit at the end of his bed.

Everyone could hear Molly shouting at the others in the girls room. They must have been caught sleeping together. Molly didn't allow the girls and boys to sleep in the same room as she didn't want to end up with another Weasley to take care of by becoming a grandmother. This rule was made when everyone started to grow up and become more interested in stuff like sex and having a partner. Jamie could hear Molly asking where she was and the others replied by saying Jamie was with the twins. Molly stormed into the twins room and she saw Jamie just sitting there talking to Fred while George was waking up due to the noise. Thankfully Jamie and Fred didn't look suspicious except Jamie was wearing Fred's shirt. 

"Jamie when I told you, you were in charge I didn't mean let the others sleep with each other." Molly shouted at me.

"Sorry Mrs Weasley. They are teenagers and its no like I could just go in a room and stop them." Jamie replied back not wanting to seem like she didn't care about the others being together as she was with Fred.

" I swear if I end up with someone pregnant. I will not be happy." Molly said not sounding happy.

"Mrs Weasley. I'm sure you will not have any grandchildren on the way. If the others did anything I am sure they would have been sensible. Now don't stress it's Christmas and I want to spend it with you guys." Jamie said trying to cheer Molly up.

"That's right Jamie. It's Christmas and I shouldn't have to worry they were only sleeping." Molly said heading out the room.

"Yer 'sleeping'." Fred said behind his mums back in air quotes and Jamie hit him with a pillow to stop him saying anything else.

Jamie couldn't have imagined if Molly had seen her and Fred. It's not that she didn't want Molly to find out about her and Fred  but  by finding them asleep in Fred's bed was not the way Jamie wanted to tell Molly about the two of them. As Molly was walking down the hall she shouted. "Get dresses , I want everyone downstairs in the next hour." 

Jamie stood up and went to head out the room forgetting she was only wearing Fred's t-shit. 

"Nice arse babe." Fred said smiling and Jamie's cheeks blushing.

"Yer nice arse." said George laughing as he had woken up.

"Shit, you scared me George." Jamie said pulling the shirt down making sure everything was covered. "Sorry about that." Jamie giggled nervously and left the room knowing Fred was about to shout at George.


Jamie walked in the girls room and saw the others sat there talking like nothing had happened. They all looked at Jamie and knew she had slept with Fred as she was wearing Fred's shirt and no bottoms. 

"Jamie West. Why are you wearing Fred's shirt." Hermione said trying to looked shocked as she knew about Jamie and Fred.

"Don't act like you dont know. One because last night I couldn't come in here and get my pj's. Thanks Guys and Second I stayed in the twins room last night as it was the only place available." Jamie said back to the others.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now