Chapter 6: The question ?

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Jamie woke up later than the other today, which made her feel weird as she was normally  the first one up. Jamie did her normal routine of getting up brush your teeth and doing your hair and then getting dressed. Today she wore a cute little black dress that had sunflowers on it. She put tights underneath as it was winter and it was cold.

After getting ready Jamie had her breakfast alone as the others were somewhere. Molly had made her porridge so she was pretty happy. When Jamie was eating breakfast Molly came in to the kitchen.

"Morning Molly have u seen the other, also the money for your date is in an envelope on your bed. Sorry for going in your room I wanted the money safe." Jamie said to Molly.

"Its alright. I dont mind you going in my room and thanks for the money. You have really made my holiday. I think everyone is in the twins room." 

"Thanks Molly." Jamie kissed Molly on the cheek and headed to the bedroom.


Jamie opened the twins room door and saw everyone sat around talking and playing games. Ron and Hermione were on Ron's bed playing Wizard chess. Ginny and Harry were gossiping about something in the corner and the twins were chatting on Fred bed. Jamie walked over to the twins and sat next to Fred.

"Well Morning Jamie, nice to see you awake." George said sarcastically.

"Ok just because I woke up after everyone once. You dont have to take the piss." Jamie said to George.

"How are you?" Fred said smiling at you.

"Good, why is everyone all sat in pairs. Normally you are all gossiping to each other." Jamie asked to Fred.

"Well Hermione and Ron are playing and Ginny is most properly telling Harry about what ever you gossip about. She cant keep her mouth shut."  Fred said  answering Jamie question making sure Ginny can hear.

"Hey, I don't gossip to Harry about what Jamie says only Hermione and he's most properly heard it from Ron anyway." Said Ginny.

"Er Ginny. I though our gossip was kept between us girls." Hermione said sounding kind of angry. Ron was sat there trying to calm down Hermione from loosing the chess game and now Ginny's statement.

"Look what u started Jamie. pft." George said to Jamie

"I stated nothing it was Fred who spoke loud enough for Ginny to hear." Jamie said arguing back at George.

"Well darling, actually you were the one asking why everyone sat apart." Fred said.

" Right ok, stop blaming me. I'm going to leave you losers and going to practice." Jamie said getting up to go.

"Ooh let me come "said Ginny leaving Harry.


When Jamie and Ginny got to the room and sat on the bean bags. The memories rushed into Jamie head about her and Fred it made her blush slightly. Good job Ginny didn't notice. Jamie had an idea in her head and knew Ginny would be on board.

"Hey Gin, i want to teach you how to play bass guitar. I see they way you always pick up the bass and I know you want to learn it. I rather teach you than practice today." Jamie said to Ginny.

"Really , you want to do that. Of course I want you to teach me. Its my dream to learn the bass guitar when can we get started."

"Right now if you want." Jamie said back to Ginny who was bursting with excitement. 

The rest of the day flew by Jamie had been teaching Ginny all day until Mrs Weasley came in all dressed up ready for her date.

"Wow Molly you look hot." Jamie said to Molly.  

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now