Chapter 41: The office

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(T/W: Sexual content. ) 

It was September nineteenth meaning it was Hermione's birthday. Everyone was planned to meet at the burrow to celebrate as Hermione didn't feel like going out. It was a lot harder for the group to have a party for Hermione as she was pregnant so between everyone it was agreed that instead of a party Molly with help would make a feast type banquet for everyone. 

Jamie had woken up tangled in Fred's arms, she took a second to admire his face. His face had many freckles and some scars from over the years. Jamie lightly traced her hands over Fred's face as she admired him. However she woke him up. Fred stayed still and pretended to be asleep while his girlfriend admired him but eventually he fluttered open his eyes. 

"Morning." Jamie said to Fred as she moved away her hand. 

"Morning beautiful. Have fun admiring me?" Fred asked as he sat up in bed. 

"Certainly you are very beautiful. " Jamie said as she lent up and kissed Fred. Fred tried to deepen the kiss so he pulled Jamie on top of him to straddle him. "Freddie we have work." Jamie giggled. 

"Work can wait." Fred said as he kissed Jamie's neck. 

"No it can't, we have to open up. George isn't working today." Jamie said as she got off Fred. He let out a disappointed groan. "So get up and get dressed." Jamie said as she walked over to the wardrobe getting out her uniform. 

Jamie had convinced George to allow skirts as part of the uniform so Jamie had gotten some made in the same fabric and pattern as the usual uniform. Once she had gotten her uniform Jamie stripped out of her night clothes and got changed. Fred just watched as he admired his love. "Fred you need to get changed." Jamie scolded Fred once again. He huffed then got out the bed. 

Once Jamie was finally dressed and made sure her skirt was shorter than usual as she felt like teasing Fred she walked out the room and brushed her teeth. Once she had done that she made some toast for her and Fred. As she was buttering the toast Fred walked into the room. " Oh Merlin." 

Jamie turned around and looked at Fred. "Alright there Freddie?" 

"J, you look so good. Can we just open the shop late." Fred pleaded. 

"No, we are opening the shop at the right time, just because you're horny it  isn't an excuse to open late. " Jamie said as she placed a plate of toast in front of Fred and then herself as she sat down. Fred just groaned again. " And stop groaning. You might get some later." Jamie smiled and Fred's eyes sparkled. 

"I better get some later, especially if you're going to be in that skirt all day." Fred said as he took a bite out of his toast. 

"Oh really. Well you might be waiting longer than you want because we have to be at the burrow tonight after we finish work." Jamie mentioned. 

"I will find time J. " Fred smirked. 

"Will you now. Have fun with that. I'm going to open the shop." Jamie said as she placed her plate in the sink and walked away from Fred moving her hips more to tease him. Fred just watched then followed behind her. 

Jamie opened the shop and greeted the others working. Today Jamie would be working on the floor helping people as there were workers working on the tills. 

The shop wasn't busy but many people still visited. All the Hogwarts students had gone back to school so it was mostly adults that enjoyed a prank or younger kids coming in. Every now and then Fred would walk past Jamie and give her a cheeky smile and small slap on the bum, which made Jamie laugh. 

While Jamie was stocking shelves a small boy had come up to her ."Hello young man. Do you need help?" Jamie asked. 

"Yes please can you help me and my dad get some prank things." 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now