Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.

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(T/W: Sexual content)

It had been over three weeks since Rose was born and Hermione and Ron hadn't had any time to themselves. Mrs Wesley refused to take responsibility or look after her grandchild as she said it will be good for Ron and Hermione to gain parenting experience.

"Ron." Hermione said as the pair laid in bed while Rose slept in Hermione's arms.

"Yer." Ron said back.

"I'm so tired and I just want some me time. I think you completely agree. I think we should ask Jamie to babysit just for a night. I know it will be the first time we leave Rose alone but I trust Jamie." Hermione said.

Ron nodded his head in agreement. "I agree. I trust Jamie. I mean Gin and Harry are away with their jobs, Bill is getting ready for his own kid, Charlies gone back to Romania , Perc is in France and the twins cannot be trusted without Jamie."

"I will owl her and ask. Oh imagine all the things we could do while Rose is with Jamie." Hermione said she was thinking of sleeping and having some peace , Ron well he was thinking of making baby number two.

Later that day Hermione owled Jamie asking her if she could take Rose for the night but only if she wanted to. Jamie received the letter straight away and responded by saying she would have Rose and that Hermione could drop her off at the twins' place tomorrow lunch as she was finishing work late.

The next morning Hermione and Ron packed everything Rose needed , including a crib and made sure Rose was all good.


It was the morning of the day Rose would be coming round and Jamie was still to tell the twins about it. Good job for Jamie that it was breakfast and the three were sat round the table.

"Boys?" Jamie said.


"Well er- Hermione yesterday owled me saying she wanted me to babysit Rose, so I said yes so she will be here at lunch time and will be staying." Jamie said.

"What." George said. "Alright but if she cries I'm going yours."

"Completely fine with me. " Jamie said back.

"Okay." Fred just said. Jamie not knowing if he was alright with it or not.

Breakfast finished quickly afterwards and the three of them went down to work. Jamie was on the tills so she was busy ringing up customers. George was seen floating around the shop floor helping customers and Fred was in his office doing whatever he did.

For some reason the shop was busy and it was just a normal weekday in October. The busy shop didn't help Jamie's excitement for seeing her God daughter. Jamie had gone nearly everyday since Rose was born and the baby fever was there. But Jamie knew she wasn't ready for a child and was alright with just looking after Rose.

Eventually the time came and Jamie shift was over. She quickly went up to Fred's office to see if he was alright.

"Alright Freddie?" Jamie said as she walked in.

"I'm good. How about you darling? " Fred said as he was trying to do work.

Jamie sat down and her skirt rode up as she did, distracting Fred more than it should. "I'm good." Jamie then looked at Fred's desk and saw the photo frame he had on it. There was a picture from when the group went on holiday. It was of Fred and Jamie sat at the poolside. "When did you get that?"

"You like it." Fred had that look in his eye, letting Jamie know he was in the mood. " I got it the other day, thought my desk needed you on it."

"I like it, but man are my boobs out in that photo." Jamie laughed.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now