Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.

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Molly was shouting everyone downstairs, the twins must be home. Everyone stood up and ran downstairs to the boys. Obviously Jamie was not as excited as them as she saw them nearly everyday as she worked part time in the joke shop and lived with them. Once everyone had ran out the room Jamie stood up and walked downstairs behind the others. Fred and George look happy to see their siblings and friends. They were giving out hugs and they look suspicious, they were up to something. So Jamie waited out on the side lines, George had stuffed itching powder down the back of Ron shirt when he hugged Fred. Everyone burst into laughter except Molly who told the twins off. They had been home 5 minuets and were already being told off.

George looked over at you and shouted , "Jamie., you see that" Jamie high fived George for the prank.

"How was the shop today" Jamie asked the twins.

"Not bad but a bit busy at it is close to Christmas." replied George.

"Oh Crap I need to get gifts" Jamie said quietly to George. She thought to herself that she could order by owl it was like the wizard version of online shopping. She kept a mental reminder to do it later.

"Me to" George giggled back.

They both walked over to everyone in the living room and Jamie went over and hugged Fred. Fred didn't know Jamie like him and she had no clue about his feelings towards her.

"You alright?" Jamie asked Fred.

"Yer good but tired,are you going to be working this week we could use the extra help?" Fred asked.

"Yer i'll come and help out but my uniform is at yours." Jamie said to Fred. The reason why Jamie's uniform was at the flat was because she lived there most of the time. Jamie slept on Fred and Georges pull out sofa. The reason she didn't have a place of your own was that Jamie had no money. Even before her parents died she had no money but working at the joke shop earned her enough to live on but not enough for her rent or buy a place of her own but Jamie was saving her money.

"That alright. You can just get changed before you start tomorrow" Fred said to Jamie.


"Dinner!!!" Molly shouted through the house.

Everyone walked over to the table it was set and the food was cooked. Normally Jamie would help but Molly must have seen Jamie talking to everyone and set dinner up herself. Jamie reminded herself to help tidy up after dinner.

Jamie sat next to Fred and Hermione at the table Harry and George opposite her. Jamie could see that Molly had made a feast of Ham, potatoes and various roasted vegetables. Molly really was a excellent chef and Jamie admired her hard work even if it was just a quick spell. Everyone tucked in eating away as everyone was hungry. While everyone ate it was silent, the house was normally really loud everyone must have been really hungry.

When everyone had finished they had vanished upstairs to chat to each other. Jamie started to help Molly clean up and  had notice Fred stayed behind to help his mother. This was not like Fred but Jamie like this side of Fred.

When Jamie had finished tidying up she gave Fred a smile and  thanked him. He smiled back and they both walked upstairs to the others. As they walked into the twins room everyone turned and looked at them.

"What have you two been doing, Snogging." George said while everyone laughed.

"Fred wishes." Jamie said back at George winking at Fred. Now everyone was crying in laughter. "We were helping your mum clean up. So what were you guys talking about."  Jamie asked.

"We were playing truth and dare" said Ron.

"Wow.. How childish, lets play" Said Fred.

Everyone sat in a circle and the anticipation was high. Jamie knew Ron wanted to be at least dared to kiss Hermione and Jamie knew Hermione  wanted that to.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now