Chapter 12: Caught.

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Jamie and Fred were cuddled up sleeping until they heard someone shouting at them to wake up. Fred and Jamie opened there eyes to see Molly standing there with the girls beside her. Jamie and Fred knew they were going to get an earful from Molly.

"Morning you two." Molly said sounding not very happy. Rhiannon was stood behind Molly mouthing sorry. 

"Morning mum." Fred said while still cuddled up to Jamie not noticing why his mum had woke him up.

"Morning Molly." Jamie said in a quiet voice.

"You know my rules why did you break them?" Molly asked Jamie and Fred.

"I'm sorry Mrs Weasley I gave Rhiannon my bed last night and was so tired so I just though I would come in here to sleep as it was the closest room and I knew Fred would let me sleep in here." Jamie replied in a nervous tone. She never had broken Molly's rules about the sleeping arrangements.

"Don't apologise J, mum we ain't irresponsible teenagers anymore. One we are twenty, two were were just sleeping and three them rules don't really work round her anymore do they." Fred said snapping at his mum.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley do not speak to me like that, and I dont think you were just sleeping." Molly shouted pointing to the hickey Fred had given Jamie.

"Molly were just sleeping I promise nothing happened." Jamie said to Molly. One thing about Jamie was she thought she owed Molly everything so she always followed her rules and never made her this angry.

"Well get out of bed then. I am still mad but you two need breakfast come on." Molly told Jamie and Fred. Fred got straight out of bed and Jamie just sat there staring at Fred to try and remind him she had no underwear or pants on. "Well come on Jamie." Molly said.

"One sec. I just feel a bit light headed, I will be down in a minuet." Jamie said to Molly hoping she would leave.

"Are you alright sweetie do you need any medicine?" Molly said not leaving the room.

"Mum this go downstairs, Jamie might just need a minuets to herself." Fred said to his mother.  Pushing her out the door on the way out Fred whispered to Rhiannon, " Go get J a pair of shorts." Rhiannon quickly walked to the girls room grabbed Jamie a pair of shorts and ran back to the twins room to give them to her.

"Thanks, I thought was going to get caught." Jamie said to Rhiannon while putting on the shorts.

"Wait I thought you didn't have any bottoms on but you have no underwear on." Rhiannon said shocked.

"Be quiet , we came up hear during the party last night had some fun and he threw my underwear somewhere, he says there under the bed but I couldn't get them while Molly was in here. So when I came in her last night I was still in my dress so I robbed one of Fred's shirts and then went to bed." Jamie said to Rhiannon explaining the following night. Trying to find her underwear under the bed.

"Well I knew you did it with Fred the story you said wasn't very convincing, but I dont think you went to sleep straight away loo at your neck." Rhiannon said poking at Jamie's hickey.

"We kissed and he must of gave me a hickey but nothing else I told him to bog off. I wasn't in the mood and George was in the room." Jamie told Rhiannon making Rhiannon laugh.

"Well we better be heading downstairs for breakfast. At least George wasn't in the room when you got caught that would have been awkward." Rhiannon said while the girls left to go down stairs.

"Good job, but he has seen my bum before when I stayed in there room last time I didn't have shorts on and he saw me walk out their room." Jamie said making the pair of them giggle.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now