Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.

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(A/N: Sexual content in this chapter)

It was the first of March meaning it was Ron's birthday. Ron was having a party at the burrow as Molly and Arthur were out of town. Jamie decided she would stay over night so she was packing her bag. Once she packed her bag she went to Rhiannon's room to see she wasn't there. Jamie looked all over the house and notice she must have stayed the night with George. 

So Jamie got all of her things together and took the floo network to the twins place. When Jamie arrived she could see Rhiannon sat on the couch.

"Morning." Jamie said slightly annoyed.

"Morning, sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving." Rhi said knowing Jamie was annoyed.

"It's alright. I figured you was here anyway. Are you coming burrow for Ron's birthday." Jamie asked.

"Yer, I wouldn't miss it." Rhi said. 

Jamie walked away to go and get something to eat  she walked into the kitchen and was greeted by George. He was cooking bacon and it smelt really good.

"Hi, smells good." Jamie said sitting at the table.

"Morning you want some? " George asked Jamie giving her a hug.

"Yes please. Where's Fred?" 

"Still asleep. He went out with Lee , I think he's hung over." George said giving Jamie a bacon butty. Rhiannon had come in the kitchen and the three of them ate the sandwiches together. Once Jamie had finished she cleaned her plate and went to Fred's room.

When she got to the room she woke Fred up. He stired and complained about how the room was to bright even though the only light in the room was from the light in the hallway.

"Morning sexy, have a good night by any chance." Jamie said sitting next to Fred in the bed.

"Yer me and Lee watched a quidditch match then went to the pub. I think I drank a bit to much." Fred said giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek.

"Just a bit to much. You reek of alcohol. I think you need to get in the shower." 

"Will you join me." Fred gave a cheeky smile to Jamie " Please I missed you." 

"It is very tempting but you do stink. I will sit in the bathroom so you can talk to me tho." Jamie said standing up and putting an arm out so Fred could get out of bed. 

Fred got in the shower while Jamie sat on the counter talking to him. The shower made Fred smell less and sober up. Once out the shower Fred pushed his teeth then gave Jamie a big kiss. 

" Are you staying at the burrow tonight?" Jamie asked Fred.

"Why would I stay.. oh shit it's Ron's birthday. Well are you staying?" 

"Yer, iv'e not been to the burrow since your dad's birthday. Also your mum and dad are not there tonight so Ron's having a party." 

"Then I will stay." Fred kissed Jamie, "Wait how do you know all of this and I don't." 

"Because I owl Hermione all the time and she told me. Also her and Ron are doing good wouldn't surprise me if they weren't dating again." Jamie told Fred.


Everyone was now at the burrow. It was around two in the afternoon and the  group had to prep for the party.  Ron had invited many people including Neville and Seamus.

The twins , Harry , Rhiannon and Ginny were helping Ron set the house up for the party . Hermione and Jamie were upstairs sat in Ron's room so nobody would interrupt their conversation. 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now