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January 30th 2015

Sometimes I wish I could disappear. I got my 20th detention for the week and I still have one on a Saturday. And the detention I got was not even my fault. There is this mean girl at my school by the name of Candy. The new girl came to her for help and she ignored her. I saw she was in trouble so I went over there. You see me and Candy don't get along at all. She is a mean girl, I'm a bad girl...yes there is a difference between the two.

When I was walking over there Candy saw me and figured out that I was going to help the new student. So as I got over there she yelled "Help help!!!" Mr Charter came over as he heard Candy. Mr Charter doesn't like me, only because I am the only one in his class that does not pay attention. You are not going to believe what that bitch told Mr Charter. She said "Ohhh sir I'm so glad you heard me, this girl wanted to ask me for help when she (pointing at me) came in and almost bullied her." Ok so killing her was not an option but boy did I want to. And get this Mr Charter actually believed her. He gave me a detention and I have to go to one on Saturday. I swear to god if Candy ever does something like that again I will take my bare hands and strangle her.



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