Chapter 1

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Hello there, dear Quester! To whomever is reading this, thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this new book as much as I do. I'm super excited for this next journey!

Without further ado, let's set right out!

Izuku woke with a gasp of pain.

"Get up, you mut!" an angry voice shouted into his sensitive ears. Izuku felt another kick to his side, knocking the breath out of him.

The green haired omega scrambled to get up, trying not to whimper. He stood on shaky feet, lowering his head submissively. He tried to steady his trembling body, but to no avail.

His body ached from the beating he had received last night. But he couldn't show pain, or else he'd be beaten again. He couldn't show weakness. He couldn't.

The tall man in front of him shoved him to the ground, and Izuku scraped his hands painfully on the dirt floor as he tried to catch himself. But his body went limp, accepting the pain and the beating that was sure to come. He couldn't fight back. He wouldn't.

"I said get up!" The man roared, sending a kick to Izuku's backside. The omega whimpered, the whip marks stinging from the pressure. He had no doubt that if he happened to find a mirror and glance at it, he'd look like a swollen grape.

Izuku struggled to his feet, getting to a crouching position. He slowly stood up, squeezing his eyes shut through the pain. And again, the man delivered an agonizing punch to Izuku's ribcage.

"Get up, mut!" the man yelled, kicking Izuku into near unconsciousness. "Get up!"

But Izuku didn't get up. A slow, steady trickle of blood made its way out of his mouth. He coughed, his chest screaming in agony.

Slowly, and mercifully, the man's kicks seemed to fade away as the comforting arms of unconsciousness engulfed him.


"He's in so much pain, Ei." A certain, angry blond said through gritted teeth. He could feel the pain the omega-his omega- was going through, a dull throb in his abdomen, nothing he couldn't handle.

But the blond knew that the pain he could barely feel was ten times worse for his unknown mate. Kirishima knew, too.

"I know, I know," the redhead said helplessly, rubbing soothing circles on his mate's back. "I feel it, too,"

Slowly, the pain began to fade from the two young adults. They hoped it was a good sign.

All the two wanted was to find their missing mate. They had looked everywhere, trying to find the bond that connected them to him. But every time they had gotten close, the bond seemed to get even further away. So, either someone was constantly moving him around the town, or he was moving away from them.

The two hoped with all their hearts that the former was true. Kirishima didn't know anyone whose mate willingly moved away from their own mate in such a state of pain.

"We'll look in the town again in the morning, alright?" Kirishima said soothingly, pulling the other alpha back into the warm bed.

Bakugo sighed, giving in to the warm embrace of his mate. He hugged him tightly, and the two alphas fell into a restful sleep, filled with dreams of their unknown mate, wishing for the day that they would finally find him and bring him home.

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