All Of The Cryptograms Season 1

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The following is a list of cryptograms from Gravity Falls. There is a cryptogram during the credits of each episode. They use Caesar ciphers, Atbash ciphers, A1Z26 cipher and the keyed Vigenère ciphers. Episodes 1-6 use the Caesar cipher, episodes 7-13 use Atbash ciphers, episodes 14-19 use the A1Z26 cipher, episode 20 uses a combined cipher (a combination of any given cipher), and episodes 21-present use a Vigenère cipher.

Episode 1) Tourists Trapped

During the end credits of this episode, there was a cryptogram that read "ZHOFRPH WR JUDYLWB IDOOV." Once decoded, it reads "WELCOME TO GRAVITY FALLS." This isn't really relevant, it is just the first episode though.

Episode 2) The legend of the Gobblewonker

During the end credits of this episode, the cryptogram read "QHAW ZHHN: UHWXUQ WR EXWW LVODQG." Once decoded, it reads "NEXT WEEK: RETURN TO BUTT ISLAND."

Episode 3) Head Hunters

During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "KH'V VWLOO LQ WKH YHQWV." Once decoded, it reads "HE'S STILL IN THE VENTS." It is referring to Wax Larry King's head. Which makes sense, since after all the end of this episode he got away and his head , which wasn't destroyed , was still hopping around in the vents even though Mabel and Dipper thought they got rid of them.
So that means, even in the latest episodes , he was in the vents. Creepy, huh?

Episode 4) The Hand That Rocks The Mabel

During the end credits of this episode, there was a cryptogram that read "FDUOD, ZKB ZROW BRY FDOO PH?" Once decoded, it reads, "CARLA, WHY WONT YOU CALL ME?" 'Carla' was mentioned in the end of Tent of Telepathy commercial. Someone in the show might have had a past relationship with " Carla ".

Episode 5) The Inconveniencing

During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!" Once decoded, it reads "ONWARDS AOSHIMA!" referring to what Mabel said while hallucinating.

Episode 6) Dipper vs. Manliness

During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "PU. FDHVDULDQ ZLOO EH RXW QHAW ZHHN. PU. DWEDVK ZLOO VXEVWLWXWH." Once decoded, it reads "MR. CAESARIAN WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEK. MR. ATBASH WILL SUBSTITUTE." This indicated that a new cipher (Atbash) was going to be used in subsequent episodes.

Episode 7) Double Dipper

The cryptogram in this episode says "KZKVI QZN WRKKVI HZBH: "ZFFTSDCJSTZWHZWFS!" Which, when translated using the Atbash Code says, "PAPER JAM DIPPER SAYS: "AUUGHWXQHGADSADUH!"

Episode 8) Irrational Treasure

During the ending credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "V. KOFIRYFH GIVNYOVB." Once decoded, it reads "E. PLURIBUS TREMBLEY." In Latin, this means, "Out of many, Trembley.", which is a reference to a phrase "E pluribus unum" ("Out of many, one") that appears on the Seal of the United States and was a de facto motto of the US until 1956. (This is hilarious if you get it)

Episode 9) The Time Travelers Pig

During the ending credits of this episode, there was a cryptogram that reads "MLG S.T. DVOOH ZKKILEVW." Once decoded, it reads "NOT H.G. WELLS APPROVED." This is because H.G. Wells wrote books about time travel.

Episode 10) Fight Fighters

During the end credits of this episode, there was a cryptogram that read "HLIIB, WRKKVI, YFG BLFI DVMWB RH RM ZMLGSVI XZHGOV." Once decoded, it reads "SORRY, DIPPER, BUT YOUR WENDY IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE." This refers to Super Mario Bros. games, in which Toad says to Mario when defeating a fake Bowser, "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"

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