Chapter 27

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Cassie's POV

"Avery grab Markus." I said and handed her my boy.

"Lookie here Hun, Cassie is trying to fight us." My mom mocked.

"I know Lynda." My dad chuckled.

"You are the worse parents ever. I hope you rot and die slowly and painfully." I growled and puffed out my chest.

"After all we've done for you?! You were going to be Luna of Johns pack and this is how you thank us?" Lynda gasped.

"I'm now Luna of the 'Red Moon Pack' and I'm proud of it too!" I yelled in their faces.

"You always were a disappointment Cassandra. We wanted a boy but no! We had you. I told you Lynda to get an abortion or give her up for adoption." My dad said emotionless.

"I know Harold." Lynda said in the same tone as Harold.

"Shut the fuck up you two! Why can't you leave me alone?!" I screamed as the Warriors and Scott came into the room.

"Silly Cassandra you can never-"

Lynda didn't get to finish cause I stabbed my mother in the heart. She looked at me with horror as she fell to the floor.

"You bitch! How dare you kill your own mother!" Harold boomed.

"She was once my mother along with you but now. You're. Dead. To. Me." I spat at him.

He charged at me and pinned me to the floor and held a gun to my head. He had the crazy look in his eyes. The eyes that once held love for me were long gone. All I saw was a soulless, empty, cold-hearted son of a bitch.

I remembered I had a small dagger in my boot so I tried to grab it while Harold didn't notice.

"Harold you're a fucking monster!" I barked and plunged the dagger in his skull.

He fell off me with a thud along with his gun. I laid on the ground for a minute and fainted.







I bolted up and looked at my surroundings. It was the living room. Scott was next to me with Markus in his lap crying. Aww my baby needs me.

"I want ze baby." I said in a creepy voice.

"Alrighty then demon lady." Scott said and handed my crying boy.

I kissed Markus's cheeks which made him stop crying. He opened his eyes and smiled. I know I'm love able.

I hugged Markus close to as he played with my hair. Geez I need a trim. I'll have to do that this weekend.

"Why was Markus crying?" I asked Scott and put Markus on my lap.

"He thought you died." Scott playfully rolled his eyes.

"Aww." I said making Markus giggle.

"I just was sleeping silly baby." I cooed to Markus.

It's soo cute that he cares for his momma. Like I said a mommas boy. But he's my boy.

"Is a Markus hungry?" I asked in a baby voice.

"I'll feed him." Scott said and picked him up and walked away.

I laid back and smiled then fell asleep.

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