Chapter 16

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It came as a shock to pretty much the entire school when Haeun made her way over to the table in the cafeteria where her ex-boyfriend and his friends sat every day. It came as a shock to the seven friends as well, who all exchanged glances amongst themselves when they noticed that instead of making her way around them as Haeun had been doing lately, the girl was walking right in their direction.

There was another girl walking with her. It looked more like she was being reluctantly dragged along by Haeun, since she was lagging a few steps behind and looked nowhere near as confident as the other girl, but she didn't try to escape the cafeteria either.

The two girls were holding hands as they walked, Jisung noticed.

The brunette girl stopped at their table. She was smiling, so Jisung had hope that whatever she was going to say, it wasn't going to be anything bad that may bring more drama to their already busy lives. Especially since the entire school seemed to have gone silent to listen to Haeun and Chenle interact for what they believed to be the first time since the breakup.

"Chenle, hi," Haeun said.

It was such a simple sentence, but it made Jisung's heart twist with the memories of all previous times he had heard the girl say those very words in that very same voice, but those times had all had much different outcomes since they had been a couple at the time.

"Hey," Chenle replied. He didn't seem very bothered by her at all, which Jisung was proud of him for. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I actually wanted to thank you," She said, twisting a lock of brown hair and tucking it behind her ear, suddenly shy as she looked down at her hand.

It was the hand that was intertwined with the other, still nameless, girl with long black hair.

"What for?" Chenle asked, "I didn't do anything. At least not that I know of."

"No, you did," Haeun said with a giggle, "You let me go, and you weren't mad at me. You told me it was okay and you gave me the courage I needed. So I just wanted to introduce you to Chaeyeon. She's my girlfriend."

Haeun said the last sentence more quietly, like saying it too loud would shatter the dream world she had created around herself, and Jisung honestly related to Haeun more at that moment than he ever wanted to admit. 

He knew the feeling of having something that seemed too perfect to be true, it was the feeling he got whenever he was lucky enough to be with Chenle, whether they were alone or accompanied by their other friends. It was the feeling he got whenever Chenle initiated any form of physical contact; hugged him, touched his shoulder in passing, played with his hair.

"I'm happy for you," Chenle told her, sounding a hundred percent honest with his words.

"Thank you," Haeun replied, "And thank you again for being so understanding. You helped me with this, so if you ever need my help with anything I'm here. You still have my number, text me later when you want, so that I can repay you for this."

Chenle leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. There was a playful, almost teasing look in his eyes as he looked up at Haeun, but this time, rather than the cause being romantic feelings between the two, it was clear that the teasing came only from a feeling of friendship.

"And why would I need your help?" Chenle asked her.

"Well, I got a girlfriend, so now it's your turn."

Chaeyeon whispered something into Haeun's ear and the other girl turned to smile sweetly at her girlfriend. It was a sickly sweet moment, but Jisung found that he didn't mind the couple, it was a thousand times better than watching Haeun and Chenle flirt.

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