Chapter 22

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The library was quiet, which was expected considering it was a library, but typically there were too many students littering the place for true silence.

Jisung and Chenle were studying. They were alone, because when they had told their friends that they would be studying together, the five had instantly started to make very inappropriate jokes on their behalf. It was true that 'studying' didn't always refer to actually studying when it came to couples, but the two were truly planning on studying.

Jisung was failing math, and he blamed that on Donghyuck. It wasn't his fault that his most distracting friend -other than Chenle- was always in every one of his math classes; it made it very difficult to concentrate when the boy was constantly there by his side, making comments and jokes that had Jisung trying not to laugh despite himself.

There were probably three topics that came up the most when Donghyuck and Jisung were speaking during class, and not one of them was related to the subject of the class.

The first was Mark, because it was Donghyuck, and as much as he liked to pretend to be the top in the relationship, everyone who knew the couple was well aware that Donghyuck was absolutely whipped for Mark. Jisung had even seen Donghyuck become shy after Mark had whispered something in his ear, which is something he had never thought he would see.

He really didn't want to know what it was that Mark had said to get such a reaction out of the bratty, dramatic boy.

The second was Chenle. Even before Jisung and Chenle had been dating, before they had revealed their relationship to their friends, Donghyuck had always known about Jisung's infatuation with the older boy.

He would never shut up about it, always asking Jisung for details of their conversations. At first, Jisung had found it slightly annoying, he didn't need the constant reminder that Chenle didn't belong to him, but Donghyuck had surprisingly never been cruel about it and always stopped when he noticed Jisung becoming uncomfortable. That didn't mean he hadn't made comments and jokes at Jisung's expense, because he still very much had.

The third topic of conversation consisted generally of jokes Donghyuck would make. Usually, they were comments about their teachers or other students, comments that could get them both into extreme trouble if the teacher, or a teacher's pet student, were to overhear them.

So yes, he was failing, and Chenle was not. Since Chenle was somehow both smart and beautiful -God clearly had favourites-, he had agreed to take pity on his boyfriend and tutor him until his horrible grades became semi-decent.

"Jisungie~," Chenle whined, placing his elbows on the table and leaning over so that his nose was nearly touching Jisung's, "I can't teach you if you're not listening to me."

He pouted, and Jisung leant forward to connect their lips in a small peck. It made Chenle giggle, but soon after he frowned again, shaking his head as he moved away from Jisung.

"No, Sungie, don't try to distract me," He said.

"I'm not trying to distract you from anything," Jisung retaliated, "It's not my fault that my boyfriend looks so cute right now. You're just so distracting, baby. How can I learn when my teacher looks so good?"

"Stop trying to change the subject," Chenle said, "I don't understand how you skipped a grade when you can't even keep up with this?"

"Now my boyfriend is bullying me," Jisung pressed a hand to his heart, faking a sob, "I can't believe this."

"Sungie," Chenle sighed, "Fine, do you want to get out of here?"

"And go where?" Jisung asked.


𝑀𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 | 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now