Chapter 5

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"Oh, try this on next," Donghyuck said, much too excited in Jisung's opinion, practically shoving a blue sweater into Jisung's arms.

They, and by they Jisung meant he, Donghyuck, Mark, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, and Chenle, had decided to go shopping because, in Jaemin's words, "Sungie you need new clothes. All you ever wear are those oversized hoodies and sweatpants. You have to show off your dancer's body more. Come with us, please~."

What had started off as a big group outing had soon split into several smaller groups. One minute they had all been together, and the next thing Jisung knew, Chenle and Renjun had left them without any prior warning. Mark and Jeno had been next, they had decided to go into a music store as neither of them felt any particular need to be clothes shopping like the rest.

Which had left Jisung alone with Jaemin and Donghyuck.

Jisung loved all of his friends, he truly did, but he was starting to get tired of trying on outfits he knew very well that he would never buy, let alone ever wear in public. Donghyuck and Jaemin had been treating him like a dress-up doll, pushing him into the store's changing room and handing him item after item of clothing.

"Jisung, just try it on," Jaemin piped up from behind Donghyuck, "You're hot, you just have to show it off more. Who knows, maybe someone will notice."

Jaemin gave Jisung a pointed look, and Donghyuck looked between the two of them with a puzzled expression.

"Chenle has a girlfriend, he won't notice me no matter what I wear!" Jisung exclaimed, annoyed. His eyes widened when he realised what he had said, and his nervous heartbeat grew faster when he realised that he had spoken in front of Donghyuck, who didn't know about Jisung's crush on Chenle, and had a growing smile on his face that Jisung didn't feel he could fully trust.

"Relax," Donghyuck said when he noticed Jisung's rising anxiety, patting Jisung's shoulder, "It's not new information. You've been looking at Chenle like a lost puppy since I've known you. I just didn't think you had admitted it to yourself yet."

"You noticed? Did you- Do you think, I mean, do you think Chenle noticed?" Jisung's breathing was getting erratic and his hands were shaking.

"Of course not, Chenle is so caught up in Haeun that he wouldn't understand that you like him even if you said it to his face," Donghyuck replied dismissively, "Besides, you've been acting this way around him for so long I doubt he even knows that there's anything different about the way you treat him."

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

Chenle stood beside a mannequin wearing black ripped jeans, a long-sleeved striped shirt, and a red leather jacket. He was leaning back on his heels as he waited for Renjun, who had gotten a call from Jaemin and had immediately answered without giving a second thought to Chenle.

He pouted at being ignored and took his phone out of his pocket, opening his text chat with Jisung and sending him a quick message. He guessed that if Jaemin had called Renjun, Jisung was probably in the same boat as he was, abandoned by his friend and bored out of his mind.

You • 2:11 pm
sungie i'm bored
talk to me 🥺

Sungie 👶🐥💛 • 2:13 pm
did junnie hyung abandon you

You • 2:13 pm
i think he has a crush on jaemin hyung

Sungie 👶🐥💛 • 2:13 pm
you t h i n k
lele its so obvious i might die
if they don't confess
and jeno hyung too

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