Chapter 3

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It was technically Jisung's fault that Chenle and Haeun had first met, let alone started dating.

Jisung had been dancing for as long as he could remember. It was his outlet. No matter how he was feeling, no matter how pitiful or hopeless his life seemed to be, dance was something Jisung had always been able to count on. Unlike material possessions, his passion for the art wasn't something that could be taken from him.

That meant, of course, that when Jisung had heard the news of his school forming a dance team, he had joined immediately.

Jisung wasn't the only one who had felt a pull towards the dance team and joined so soon after the clubs creation. In fact, in only a year it had become one of the most popular sports teams at their school, which was shocking, to say the least.

It also meant that in order to showcase the members of their newest team, the school had informed the dance club that they were doing a showcase with all of their best dancers and performers. The showcase would be for anyone who wished to come watch them, whether they were parents or family of one of the students, a friend, it didn't even matter if they went to the same school.

Upon hearing the news of the showcase, Chenle had instantly decided that he would go to support Jisung as well as the rest of the dance team, though at the time Chenle hadn't known any member of the dance team save for Jisung.

Haeun was another member of the dance team, and Jisung had to admit despite his jealousy towards her, she was talented. It was talent that deserved to be recognized.

That was where she and Chenle had met, at the showcase for the school dance team. Once the performances were finished, Chenle came backstage to meet with Jisung. He had coincidentally spotted Haeun as well, and despite not knowing anything about her other than the fact that she danced, he made his way towards her and started the first conversation that led to their relationship.

Jisung could clearly remember Chenle practically bouncing as he approached the younger after the showcase, as well as the pure elatement in his voice.

Jisung wished he could go back to that moment, before everything changed.

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A soft knock sounded on Jisung's door, and before he had the time to do or say anything, the door was already being gently pushed open.

Jisung looked up. He wasn't quite sure who he was expecting to see, since his parents always made sure to knock before entering his room since they knew that giving their son privacy was important and he didn't remember making plans with any of his friends.

His mouth fell open when he saw Chenle standing in the doorway of his room, a sheepish smile on his face as he locked eyes with Jisung.

"I thought you were supposed to be on a date with Haeun tonight?" Were the first words out of Jisung's mouth before he could stop them.

Once Jisung realised what he had said, he flushed and looked away, internally cursing his mind as well as his mouth, since they both appeared to want to cause Jisung immense amounts of embarrassment.

"You remembered that?" Chenle asked. He looked happy, so Jisung carefully nodded.

"I mean you wouldn't shut up about it, so yeah, I remembered," Jisung lied, adding a short laugh at the end in the hopes of lightening up the serious mood in the room, "I thought you guys were planning to see that new movie in theatres. It can't seriously be over already?"

"She had to cancel," Chenle said, his face falling, "Something important came up and she couldn't make it. She said something about important family matters that she had to attend to. She promised to explain everything tomorrow and reschedule for another day."

"She didn't say why?" Jisung asked.

Chenle's face fell even more if it was possible and Jisung immediately wished he hadn't spoken. Why was it that he always seemed to say the wrong thing when it mattered the most? He couldn't even comfort his best friend without somehow finding a way to mess up and further sadden the beautiful male.

"Just that she was busy," Chenle replied.

Chenle stepped into the room, pushing the door shut behind him.

He sat down next to Jisung on the floor, leaning his small body into the younger. He let his head fall down and rest on Jisung's shoulder, his soft hair tickling the bare skin of Jisung's collarbone where his oversized shirt had started to slip off his shoulder.

Jisung felt like he was suffocating. He couldn't breathe, feeling Chenle pressed against him. He was worried that Chenle could hear his racing heartbeat, it was pounding in his ears so loudly that all other noise in the room was cancelled and Jisung could only focus on Chenle, Chenle, Chenle.

Jisung wasn't sure if he should move, worried that he might disturb Chenle at any slight change in their position. So he didn't move, he just stared down at Chenle, his lips parted slightly and his breath fanning against Chenle's hair, softly moving the strands.

"Sungie~," Chenle said, his lips moving against Jisung's skin as he spoke, "Can we watch a drama?"

He looked up at the younger but taller male with wide, begging eyes. Jisung didn't need Chenle to beg him, he would have agreed to do anything Chenle wanted. But in the back of his mind there was a voice telling him that if Chenle had felt the need to use his irresistible, pouting look in order to get what he wanted from Jisung, it meant that he hadn't yet caught on to the fact that Jisung had feelings for him.

"Sure Lele, we can watch anything you want." Jisung agreed.

Chenle pondered for a moment before standing up, making his way to Jisung's bed, where he sat down, letting his feet swing off the edge. He grabbed Jisung's laptop and opened it, quickly typing in Jisung's password when it turned on.

"Come on Sungie," Chenle said, "Come here. Don't you want to distract me?"

Once again, Jisung found himself unable to do anything but agree with whatever Chenle wanted, and that was how he found himself watching the first episode of Chenle's favourite drama that they had watched together over a dozen times.

When Jisung looked down after the first episode of the drama was over, he was met with the sight of a sleeping Chenle. He had his legs tangled with Jisung's, the palm of his left hand pressing flat against Jisung's chest and his other hand clutching the blanket that had long ago rolled off his body when he had started to move closer to Jisung.

Jisung closed his eyes, and for once in his life, he allowed his brain to relax despite having Chenle so physically close to him and so far in all other ways.

That was a problem for another day, Jisung decided, before falling asleep holding his best friend tightly in his arms.

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𝐻𝑒ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟?
𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔.

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