Chapter 20

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Jisung had always been a dancer. For as long as Chenle had known him, he had seen the younger's passion for dancing through his long practices and hard work. He had started dancing when he had been only 3 years old, and Chenle had met the younger when Jisung had been 4 years old and Chenle had been 5, so he could say honestly that he had never known a Jisung who didn't dance.

He was ethereal when he danced, there was no other word to describe the way he moved. He was elegant and graceful, his every move both purposeful  and seemingly thoughtless. It looked like he had been born to dance.

Chenle was watching him, but Jisung was so focused on his dancing, so focused on making sure that he got every movement perfect and on beat, that Chenle could have walked right in front of him and he still doubted the younger would have noticed him.

He didn't mind it, actually. He enjoyed watching Jisung doing something he was so passionate about, and it definitely  helped that he looked really hot doing it.

They were in the dance practice room, which was a room the school had gotten built only a few years before when they had realised the growing popularity of their newest club. It was built just like a dance studio, a large open space with mirrors lining one wall.

Chenle was convinced that the only reason the dance club brought their school so much money and popularity was mainly due to the looks of its members, because people were shallow like that and often didn't actually care about anything else, but he didn't care if it meant that Jisung could continue to dance.

Chenle had seen him dance before, mostly when they had been younger, but it had been a while since then. For the past few months Jisung's practices had all taken place after school, and Chenle was always too busy with either his other friends, Haeun, or his studies to have time to watch the younger.

Now, he hated himself for not having taken the time earlier, since he would have been able to see his beautiful boyfriend dance, sweat beading on his fair skin and dripping down the side of his face as he refused to break concentration for even a moment, body moving sensually to the music.

The music stopped, and so did Jisung.

He broke out of his trance, a smile on his face as he looked over at Chenle for approval.

"That was amazing," Chenle breathed out in amazement, and Jisung's smile grew wider at the compliment.

"Really?" He asked, seeming unsure.

Chenle rolled his eyes, grabbing an unopened water bottle and twisting it open for his boyfriend, who gladly took it from his hands. Chenle couldn't help but follow the movement of Jisung's adam's apple bobbing as he greedily gulped down the water as though he hadn't had any in days.

"You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen," Chenle whispered, mesmerised, "I don't understand how I could have been lucky enough to meet you, or why you're dating me of all people. You're like an actual angel, and sometimes I can't believe that you're really real and that you're here with me."

Jisung looked down at Chenle, his brown eyes full of love, so much love that it made Chenle feel emotional.

He hadn't actually meant for Jisung to hear his words, they had been meant for himself, a realisation of sorts, but if saying such things -they weren't lies, after all, and there was nothing wrong with admitting the truth- meant that Jisung would look at him with that same whipped, loving expression, Chenle might start doing it more often.

"Says you," Jisung replied, "I have to stop myself from kissing you breathless every time I see you."

"Why do you have to stop yourself?" Chenle asked, placing a hand on Jisung's firm chest, feeling every one of the younger male's muscles through his thin shirt, "I have nothing against you doing that every time you see me."

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