Chapter 13

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Jisung was woken from his dream by the sound of his phone ringing. It was a specific ringtone, one he reserved for only one person, and he knew even with his tired mind and muddled thoughts who was calling him.

He had been taking a well-deserved nap after finishing an essay that was due later that night but that he had only started writing the night before. He had forgotten all about sleep, and so the moment he had finished working, his eyes had slipped shut on their own and he had fallen into the gentle embrace of sleep.

"Lele," He mumbled sleepily into the phone, his voice still groggy from sleep, "What time is it?"

"Were you sleeping?" Chenle asked him, and Jisung nodded before realising that Chenle couldn't see him, and instead replied with a quiet 'yeah'.

The line was silent for a few moments, and Jisung would have worried that Chenle had hung up on him, but he could hear the older male's soft breathing on the other side of the phone. It was like a lullaby, and Jisung could feel his eyes starting to flutter shut once more.

"Can I come over Sungie?" Chenle asked eventually.

"Hmm," Jisung hummed into his pillow, turning his head so that his phone could pick up his voice rather than having it muffled by his pillow, "Yeah, come over."

Chenle kept speaking to him for a few more minutes, eventually hanging up the phone when he left his house, leaving the younger with a promise that he would be over soon.

- 🐥 & 🐬 -


Jisung rolled over in his bed, hugging his blanket closer to his chest even as someone was trying to pull it away from him. He refused to open his eyes or to relent to whoever was attempting to rip away his fluffy source of warmth. He tugged the blanket harder, and the other person responded by doing the same thing back to him.

The person tripped and fell on top of Jisung, and only then did the younger male open his eyes.

Jisung choked on air.

Chenle was on top of him, both hands placed on the mattress of Jisung's bed, one on either side of the younger's face, the shorter male holding himself up a few inches above the taller. His legs were around Jisung's waist. Chenle was straddling him. Chenle was straddling him and it wasn't a dream, and Jisung was still half asleep, his thoughts fuzzy, and he desperately wanted to kiss Chenle.

After a few painfully long seconds of staring, Chenle awkwardly climbed off Jisung, and Jisung shook his head, trying and failing to clear his mind of the bad, bad thoughts he was having about his best friend being on top of him.

"Why are you here?" Jisung asked, his voice deep and groggy.

"Meanie," Chenle said with a pout, slapping Jisung's chest with his hand, "Do you not want to talk to me?"

'I want to do more than talk to you,' Jisung thought, and he mentally berated himself. His sleepy mind had absolutely no filter, which meant that at any moment he could say or do something wrong, something that may alert Chenle about Jisung's feelings for the older male.

"Talk then," Jisung said, "I'm listening."

He kept his eyes shut, hoping that by doing so, and by avoiding looking at Chenle's unfair beauty, he could concentrate more on the voice of the older and the words he was saying.

"So, I guess I should start at the beginning," Chenle said with a small sigh, "You know how lately Haeun and I haven't really been together as much? And so I came to you for advice and you told me to talk to her? Well, I did, just like you told me to do. We met at the park today and-."

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