Chapter 23

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Trigger Warning: This chapter includes homophobic language, graphic violence, and graphic gore. Feel free to skip if you don't feel comfortable reading.

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

There were three boys approaching Chenle, the same three boys who had been following Chenle since he had arrived at school that morning.

He thought he could recognise their faces, but he couldn't place his finger on where he had seen them before. They seemed to know him, or at least know of him, if the way they were stalking him through the halls was any indication. He was quite sure that a total stranger wouldn't care enough about him to do such a thing.

They were much bigger than Chenle.

They were tall, and buff, and frankly terrifying.

He didn't know if they were taller than Jisung -they were probably near the same height as the younger male- but they looked like bodybuilders, and while Jisung had muscles from his dancing, they were not the same kind of muscle. The boys could easily beat Chenle and Jisung into a pulp, Chenle especially.

He may have been on the basketball team, but the boy was in no way strong. He was trembling in fear as he sped up his walk, desperately hoping to get to the cafeteria before they could catch up to him.

The halls were mostly empty, and the three students Chenle could spot were not the type who would be willing to help him if anything were to happen.

He suddenly felt a large hand grabbing onto the back of his sweater, and he was violently pushed back into the lockers, his back hitting the surface with a sickening thud. Chenle had to bite down on his lip to stop himself from crying out in pain. He didn't want to give the bullies any kind of reaction, he knew it would only spur them on.

Chenle had been thrown against the lockers before, but it had been in a much different way, with distinctly different implications behind it.

"Look at that," The first bully, the one who was holding him against the locker, sneered, "The fag is gonna cry."

The other two started to laugh. Their laughs were loud and ugly, mocking and cruel. Chenle wished he could fight back, but the hand on his throat was causing him to struggle to breathe, let alone do anything that would require more energy than that.

Black spots started to dance in his vision, creating beautifully terrifying mosaics around him, colours blurring together. The laughter ringing in his ears was muffled, but he could still distinctly hear every breath from his attackers, like the soundtrack of a horror movie.

Finally, he felt everything stop as the bully dropped him to the floor.

He could feel himself falling for only a moment before his knees hit the ground. A hard crack sounded in his ears as his bones hit the ground, but he was too focused on taking gasping breaths to focus on the pain he was feeling. It was something he would have to handle later, though luckily the fall had been a short one, and he didn't think he had broken any bones.

"Listen up gay boy," The same bully, Chenle guessed he was the leader of the three, threatened, "You keep doing this and you're going to get a whole lot worse, got it?"

Chenle nodded, blinking back his tears.

The bullies proceeded to leave as if nothing had happened, but Chenle stayed crouched on the ground in the exact position that they had left him in until the bell rang, notifying the school that their lunch break was over and it was time to return to classes. It was only when students started streaming into the halls from every direction that Chenle dared to push himself up into a standing position, ignoring his aching knees.

𝑀𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 | 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now