Chapter 12

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Chenle didn't know how to feel anymore.

Since his conversation with Jisung, he had made the decision that he was going to speak to Haeun, figure out what was going on and why she had been acting so strange around him as of late.

The mere idea of it made him nervous because he didn't know what she was going to say. What if she said something horrible, something that Chenle didn't want to hear? What if there was something serious going on in her private life and Chenle was forcing her to speak about something that she didn't feel comfortable discussing? What if Haeun decided that she hated Chenle for invading her privacy and never wanted to speak to him again?

But Chenle had already called Haeun to meet him at one of their favourite spots, and so there was nothing he could do to turn back time and change his decision.

Chenle checked the time on his phone. It was exactly 1:57 pm, and he had asked Haeun if she could meet him at 2:00, which gave him exactly 3 minutes to calm his racing heart, get his thoughts in order, and figure out what he was going to say to breach the subject, assuming she came on time, of course.

He took a few deep breaths to steady himself, turning on his phone to scroll through old chats as well as his most recent conversation with his girlfriend.

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

February 20th • 10:49 pm

Babe💖💞 • 10:49 pm

You • 10:52 pm
what's going on bb

Babe💖💞 • 10:53 pm
I won't be at school tomorrow
And I can't meet with you after school either
I'm sorry

You • 10:53 pm
you can tell me anything
you know that right

Babe💖💞 • 10:54 pm
Of course I know that
You don't have to worry
It's not a big deal

You • 10:54 pm
if you're sure

Babe💖💞 • 10:55 pm
Yeah I'm sure

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

February 21st • 8:42 am

You • 8:42 am
i'm waiting for you at your locker

Babe💖💞 • 8:44 am
I'm almost at school 💖
I can't wait to see you~

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

February 21st • 6:36 pm

Babe💖💞 • 6:36 pm
I miss you already

You • 6:37 pm
me too bb
i love you

Babe💖💞 • 6:38 pm
I love you too

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

February 23rd • 12:14 pm

You • 12:14 pm
we need to talk
are you free

Babe💖💞 • 12:20 pm
What's wrong

You • 12:21 pm
i need to talk to you in person
can you meet me

Babe💖💞 • 12:21 pm
Lele you're scaring me
Is it something bad

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