Chapter 10

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The next Monday, Jisung skipped school.

He faked being sick, and his parents easily believed the lie. He had been lying in his bed all weekend, his eyes red and puffy from crying until he had no tears left. His nose was both runny and stuffy at the same time, and overall he looked a mess. Really, it wasn't hard for Jisung's parents to believe that he was truly ill.

On Tuesday, he somehow convinced them to allow him to stay home again, as long as one of his friends came by after school to drop off the homework he had missed.

It was only on Wednesday that he was forced to return to school, and so there he was, standing at his locker, staring blankly out into space.

"Jisung? Park Jisung? Jisungie? Sungie? Pwark Jisung?"

Donghyuck was waving a hand in front of Jisung's face, but the younger male was too mentally exhausted and lost in his self-pitying thoughts to notice that his friends had surrounded him. He was still unwell, not physically sick, but mentally he felt horrible.

"I think he died," Renjun commented, and that was when Jisung snapped out of his daze.

"I'm not dead," He replied.

"Well that's a pity," Renjun muttered, and he received a stern look from Jaemin in response to his comment, "It was just a joke. But you do look horrible Jisung."

"Thanks," Jisung said sarcastically, grabbing the textbooks he would need for his first class of the day, "I need to go to class now. I'll see you guys at lunch, I guess."

His friends watched him walk away, his head down and gaze fixed on his dirty shoes. Jisung was taller than the majority of their classmates, but somehow he managed to make himself look small as he curled in on himself.

"I'm worried about him," Jeno said with a frown, "He hasn't been at school for the past two days, we haven't heard from him since Friday, and he didn't even check the group chat this weekend. Does anyone know if something happened to him?"

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

Jisung had his head down, resting on his desk, watching the slow-moving clock on the wall of the classroom and praying the seconds would start to tick by faster.

"Everyone pair into groups of two, you're doing a partner project today," The teacher said loudly, and Jisung couldn't help the low groan that escaped past his lips.

He raised his head just in time to see Haeun push her chair back underneath the desk, making her way in his direction. His eyes widened, and he frantically glanced at the desks beside him, wondering if the girl had friends in the class that happened to sit beside Jisung. He refused to believe that Haeun was walking towards him.

"Hey, Jisung," Haeun said, and oh. Well, there was certainly nothing Jisung could do after that, because she was definitely talking to him. "Do you want to be my partner for this project?"

"Sure," Jisung answered, because he had no idea how else he could respond.

He couldn't exactly tell her that he had a major crush on her boyfriend who also happened to be his best friend of eleven years, and that he felt impossibly, unfairly jealous every time he was in her presence because she had Chenle and he didn't. Jisung just had to suck it up, because there was no way he was saying anything of the sort to Haeun.

She was nice, but no girl would be okay with someone else having feelings for their boyfriend.

Haeun sat down beside him, and the two sat in silence as they listened to the teacher explaining the project.

𝑀𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 | 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now