Chapter 11

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Something suspicious was going on.

Jisung had made it his mission to get to the bottom of whatever was going on, because Chenle was clearly upset about something, and the younger male refused to let that slide. Whoever or whatever was making Chenle miserable was going to pay, he was going to make sure of it.

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"Hey Jisung," Chenle said, walking into the younger male's room and pushing the door shut behind him using his foot.

He made his way over to Jisung's bed, practically collapsing back onto the mattress once he was close enough to ensure that he would fall onto the bed, and not accidentally onto the floor. He didn't move once he was splayed across Jisung's sheets, his head resting on Jisung's pillow and his eyes following the pattern of the glow in the dark stars that the younger had never taken off his ceiling.

"Okay, that's it," Jisung said, turning in his spinning desk chair so that he was facing Chenle, "Now I know there's something wrong. First, you've been miserable like this for three days now. That's not normal. And second, you never call me Jisung. It's always Jisungie or Sungie, or some other nickname you make up on the spot. You can't lie to me and tell me nothing's wrong because I refuse to believe you anymore."

"It's nothing, I swear," Chenle said unconvincingly, and seeing Jisung's unimpressed, disbelieving face, he sighed, "Okay, yes there's something going on. But it's nothing serious. I don't want to bother you with my stupid problems."

Jisung stood up, letting his chair roll away from him as he made his way towards Chenle.

The older male sat up on the edge of Jisung's bed, his feet dangling off the edge. They were a few inches away from touching the floor, and Chenle swung them back and forth lazily. Jisung thought it was absolutely adorable, but he mentally compartmentalised that thought for a later time, when Chenle wasn't close to tears.

He kneeled in front of Chenle, placing his hands on Chenle's thighs.

He looked up at the older male, who gave him a shy smile in return. But the smile had an edge of sadness to it, and Jisung knew he had to do whatever it took to get Chenle to talk.


"It doesn't matter anyway, I'm just being dramatic," Chenle muttered.

Jisung ran his hands higher up Chenle's thighs and then brought them down again. He continued the carefully slow motion until he felt Chenle's stiff body start to relax, and then the older male grabbed Jisung's hand in his, resting their intertwined fingers back on top of his thigh.

"Talk to me," Jisung said, looking up at Chenle with wide eyes that he knew could get him anything he wanted from the brunette.



"I was supposed to go on a date with Haeun today, but she was busy with something again tonight," Chenle finally admitted, "I just feel like she keeps cancelling our plans. I know it's stupid, we see each other all the time and it's normal that she has other things in her life other than just me, but I feel like I did something wrong."

Jisung pushed himself up from his knees into a standing position, and Chenle's eyes widened. The hand that was holding onto Jisung's tightened on the younger, as though he was afraid that Jisung would leave him.

Jisung didn't do anything of the sort. He couldn't imagine any hypothetical situation that would cause him to abandon the older, the very thought was ridiculous.

Rather, Jisung sat down beside Chenle on the bed and pulled the older male closer until he was halfway sitting in his lap, the two face to face with each other. Chenle's hand was clutching Jisung's shoulder and Jisung's hands were wrapped around Chenle's waist, his hands resting on the older's back.  

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