Chapter 7

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Donghyuck slammed both of his hands down on Jisung's desk, the loud noise of his palms hitting the wood reverberating in the classroom.

"Could you be a bit quieter?" Jisung mumbled, not bothering to look up. He was sadly quite used to Donghyuck's dramatics, as was everyone else in the classroom apparently, because none so much as spared a glance in the direction of the two boys.

"No, no I cannot," Donghyuck replied, "What do you mean you're not going to the dance? Please tell me that was just something you told Chenle. You can't seriously be skipping it."

"And why not?"

"It's- it's an important day," Donghyuck huffed, "It's a day to form memories."

"I'm still not going Hyuck hyung," Jisung said, looking everywhere that wasn't in Donghyuk's direction as he bit the inside of his cheeks hard enough to draw blood, "I've already made up my mind. You and Mark are going as a couple anyway, so it shouldn't matter if I go, or anyone else for that matter. So just- drop it, please." He added as an afterthought.

Donghyuck slid into the chair beside him, placing his heavy algebra textbooks on the corner of the desk. He turned the chair around just enough to face Jisung, and stretched his legs out underneath the desk, crossing them at the ankle.

For a second, Jisung genuinely believed that Donghyuck had done as he had asked, and had dropped the subject. But it was Donghyuck, and even though he was an amazing friend, there were times when he didn't know when to stop. Jisung knew that he meant well from it, he just wanted to make sure that Jisung was alright, and he technically did have a good reason for that, since the answer was that no, the younger wasn't okay.

"Jisung, does this have anything to do with Chenle having a girlfriend this year?" Donghyuck asked kindly, "I know you two used to always go together, so this must be different for you."

Jisung ducked his head, blinking away the tears that had collected in his eyes and were threatening to spill with every second that passed and word that Donghyuck spoke.

Fuck, he really didn't want to cry at school.

He felt pathetic. There was no reason that he had to rely on Chenle for everything, but he couldn't help it. Jisung wasn't used to doing things on his own, he had always had the older male by his side to help him. And sometimes it felt like he was losing Chenle, which was his greatest fear.

"Hey, Jisungie, Sungie, don't cry," Donghyuck said once he noticed the tears brimming in Jisung's eyes, "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. If it bothers you this much I won't talk about it anymore, promise."

Jisung could hear the panic in his friend's voice, and he gave Donghyuck a watery smile that he hoped was in some way reassuring to the older male, "No, it's okay. You're partially right anyway. I guess I just didn't expect anyone else to bring it up."

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

Jaemin and Jisung were back at the coffee shop, and that time Jisung hoped and prayed that Chenle wouldn't show up with Haeun in tow.

According to Chenle, the two were going on a date at one of his favourite restaurants. Jisung knew that it was partially Chenle's favourite because they knew the owners personally, and Taeyong never missed an opportunity to feed and dote on Chenle, like a mother, but less annoying, not as nosy, and better when it came to respecting Chenle's privacy.

Of course, Chenle had also said that he and Haeun had been on a date the last time he and Jaemin had tried to meet at the coffee shop, and yet somehow he had still ended up running into them, which didn't give Jisung the most trusting mindset as he entered the coffee shop after school that day.

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