Chapter 1

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Park Jisung was absolutely, totally and completely, irrevocably in love with his best friend Zhong Chenle.

It wasn't a new or shocking realisation, in fact, Jisung had been enamoured with Chenle ever since meeting the older boy as children. There was not a single person who could compare to Chenle in Jisung's expert opinion, there was just something about him that made him special and different from the rest.

What he never expected was that one day Chenle would find a girlfriend, and he would be left to complain about his unrequited love to Jaemin, his only other friend who was as pitiful as he was, pining over two people at once and too scared to do anything about it with either one of them.

"But Sungie you don't understand~," Jaemin, ever the dramatic bitch, whined, "Have you seen the looks Renjun and Jeno give each other? It's like I'm not even there."

Jisung groaned, letting his head flop down on the small table of the coffee shop in which he and Jaemin were sitting. Jaemin had dragged Jisung to the coffee shop immediately after school had ended that day, claiming that he needed intense amounts of caffeine if he was going to meet with Mark and Donghyuck later that day.

The couple had gotten together only a few weeks ago and were still in their honeymoon phase. They couldn't stay away from each other for longer than a few minutes, and when they had different classes and had to part ways it was like watching a bad kdrama.

It would be sweet if Jisung wasn't so miserably in love.

The sharp tinkling sound of the bell on the coffee shop door rang through the air, signalling that another customer had entered and effectively cutting through Jisung's self-pitying thoughts.

Jisung lifted his head off the table just in time to see Jaemin down the rest of his coffee in one gulp. It was his fourth coffee of the day, Jisung noted.

Jaemin's eyes were focused on the coffee shop door behind Jisung. Jisung, curious to see what had caught the older male's attention, turned around in his seat, only to be met with the sight of Chenle, who had walked into the coffee shop hand in hand with his girlfriend.

Her name was Min Haeun.

She was one of the most popular and wanted girls at their school, sought after by practically everyone, both male and female. Even Jisung, who was the gayest person in their friend group after maybe Donghyuck, could tell that she was beautiful.

But of course, she wasn't just a pretty face with a bitch personality. She also happened to be extremely nice.

It was obvious that she and Chenle were absolutely enamoured by one another, it was clear as day to anyone who saw them together. Ever since Chenle and Haeun had started dating, Jisung had seen Chenle happier than he had ever seen him before.

"Jisungie! Jaemin hyung!" Chenle exclaimed happily when he spotted them.

Jisung wanted to crawl into a deep, dark hole and never to come out to see the light of day again. It was just his luck that out of all the small cafes and coffee shops nearby, Chenle and Haeun had chosen to come into the exact coffee shop where he and Jaemin met once a week to lament about their broken hearts.

Jisung could see Haeun hiding a smile behind her hand as she watched her boyfriend wave excitedly to his friends. The warmth in her eyes as she looked at Chenle was clear even from where Jisung was sitting.

"I was just leaving to meet with Mark and Donghyuck for some project we forgot to start," Jaemin said to Chenle once the male reached their table.

"Oh," Chenle's expression fell momentarily, but a moment later he was back to the enthusiastic Chenle that Jisung knew and loved when his eyes stopped on said male, "Do you have to go too Sungie?"

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