Chapter 14

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Chenle looked tired and Jisung was worried.

At first, he had assumed the reason for Chenle looking so down was because of his breakup with Haeun.

He knew that neither of the two were particularly upset about it, but as the most popular couple (ex-couple) in school, there had been some backlash when the news had come out. Rumours about Chenle cheating on Haeun, or Haeun cheating on Chenle, of abusive relationships, of drug and alcohol addictions, and of every other ridiculous thing that could possibly go wrong in a relationship.

The whole school was divided between those who believed Chenle was at fault and those who believed Haeun was at fault, though clearly, neither party knew the truth.

Chenle had gotten quite a few negative comments and remarks thrown his way, some people going so far as to threaten to harm him, and Jisung was worried that all the drama was starting to negatively impact the older.

But Chenle seemed completely fine whenever anyone brought up the topic of the breakup, and when he heard the comments about him whilst walking through the crowded halls of the school he hardly batted an eye.

That all led to Jisung coming to the conclusion that there was something else going on that Chenle had failed to mention to him, something that was, if possible, worse than all the hate the male was getting.

Jisung hated the very thought of it, as he believed Chenle should never have to go through pain of any kind. If it had been up to him, he would have taken Chenle somewhere far away, where they could live peacefully together, away from the hurt of society. Jisung would hold him and love him the way he deserved, and never would he have to feel negative or upset again.

"Wake up, Jisung," Renjun said, waving his hand slowly, back and forth, in front of Jisung's eyes, which had been glazed over and staring out into space.

Or, to be more specific, he had ended up accidentally staring at a girl that he recognised as one of his female classmates, who was glancing back at him with a rosy blush on her cheeks and a nervous smile.

He looked away from her without giving her so much as another thought, focusing all of his attention on glaring at Renjun for interrupting his daydream, who only responded by giving the younger an unimpressed look, one that Jisung had gotten many times before from Renjun.

"What's wrong with you lately?" Renjun asked, "Is it about your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Jisung argued.

"Okay, would you prefer the term husband then?" Renjun asked.


"Jisung, all I did was say the word husband and you immediately knew I was talking about Chenle," Renjun stated, and shit. He was right, but Jisung didn't want to think about it, let alone talk about it. "You two need to get your shit together or I'm going to do it myself. Fuck, I can't deal with you two pining anymore."

"Be nice," Jeno piped in, placing his arm on the back of Renjun's chair, technically wrapping his arm around the older, if it weren't for the chair blocking the skin to skin contact.

Jisung tuned out his two friends when he noticed Chenle walking towards them. His eyes were downcast and he avoided looking at anything that wasn't the off-white cafeteria floor.

It was obvious by the way he was walking, his posture simultaneously slumped yet tense, slumped as though trying to make himself as small as possible and tense from the constant worry that lately seemed to follow Chenle everywhere he went. All Jisung wanted to do was drag the older away from the hundreds of pairs of eyes that were trained on him.

𝑀𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 | 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now