Chapter 9

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Somehow, while Jisung's mind had been wandering elsewhere, Jeno and Jaemin had gone off to the dance floor and had started slow dancing together. Mark had left to speak to another one of his friends, a tall senior named Lucas. Renjun and Donghyuck were nowhere to be found, but knowing them, they were probably planning some large-scale mischief that would get them into immense amounts of trouble if they happened to get caught.

The two liked to act as though they hated each other, they were both annoying, often bratty, and never stopped fighting, except when it came to plotting, and then they became best friends. Jisung had always thought they were quite similar in some ways, but they both threatened to slap him if he ever repeated those words again, so he never brought it up.

With all his friends busy, there was no one around to stop him if he tried to leave, so that was exactly what he started to do.

But the moment he took his first step forward, the tall girl he had seen before seemed to magically materialise in front of him.

Jisung was cursed and he was suffering from it, that was the only possible explanation as to how she had managed to go from being on the complete opposite side of the gym from him, to standing directly in front of him, in less than a minute or so.

"Uh, sorry," Jisung said awkwardly, "I was actually just leaving. So-"

"I'm Hyojin," The girl said, interrupting Jisung, "I saw you from across the gym. You're really cute, but you probably know that. Tall and handsome."

She placed her hand on Jisung's chest, taking a step closer towards him. She ran her hand down Jisung's chest, and with her other hand, she grabbed Jisung's wrist to stop him from moving away from her. She looked up at Jisung, her eyes stopping on his lips.

Jisung's heart was beating rapidly in his chest, uneven staccato beats, and he clenched his hands into tight fists. He dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands.

Jisung was scared. He hadn't had his first kiss yet, since he had always wanted it to be a moment to cherish and remember with someone he loved and trusted, someone who loved him back with just as much fervor. He knew enough, however, to recognise the signs, he knew the girl wanted to kiss him, but he desperately didn't want to kiss her.

He just didn't know how to get away from her since her grip on his wrist was too tight and he couldn't choke out any words since his throat felt like it was closing up.

"Your heart is beating quickly, Park Jisung," The girl whispered, and Jisung had to look down and read the words on her lips since the music booming around them was too loud for him to hear her clearly, "Don't be nervous. I don't bite, unless you want me to."

The girl, Hyojin, started to lean forwards, and before Jisung had time to push her away, she had already pressed her lips against his.

It was awful.

A person's first kiss was supposed to be an amazing experience, one they wanted to remember. Or even if it wasn't amazing, even if the kiss was inexperienced and rushed, messy or unfamiliar, it was still something that was going to be remembered. Jisung knew he would remember his first kiss forever too, but not in the way he had always dreamt.

If Jisung had been sure that he was gay before, he was even more certain of it once Hyojin began to move her lips rhythmically against his.

It was then that Jisung regained his senses enough to move away from her, pushing her as far from him as she could get, which was sadly only an arm's length away. To Jisung, she was still too close. She was still close enough to kiss him again if she wanted.

"No," Was all Jisung managed to say, "I- I told you I was leaving."

"Please," The girl begged, grabbing onto the arm that Jisung was still holding between them to keep her from coming near him again, "I like you. I have the biggest crush on you. I've liked you since I saw you dance. My friend is on the dance team, she said you were single. I know I'm pretty, and I'm a good kisser too. Don't you want to date me?"

She was looking at Jisung with wide eyes, and any straight male would have fallen for her whining and begging right then and there. But Jisung was definitely not heterosexual, kissing the girl had confirmed that, and the only thing on his mind was the disgust he had felt when Hyojin had kissed him.

"I don't like you," Jisung said, "Excuse me, I have to go."

And with that, he made his way out of the gym.

At first, he walked towards the door at a steady pace, not too slow, because he didn't want to stay in the gym for any longer, but not fast enough to catch any unwanted attention. It was only once the doors of the gym had shut behind him that he started to run, allowing his tears to flow freely down his cheeks as he sobbed alone in the school hallway.

He eventually stopped running, falling to his knees on the hard tiles that made up the floor. His knees stung at the impact, but he didn't care about the pain.

"Jisungie? Sungie, are you okay?"

Jisung's sobs only grew louder when he heard Chenle's familiar voice. He couldn't speak, couldn't answer, but his tears were clearly enough of an answer for the older male.

"Sungie, I saw what happened," Chenle said kindly, "Are you okay?"

"Did you-," Jisung managed to choke out in a shaky voice through his uneven sobs, "Did you leave Haeun in the gym?"

"She's with some of her friends," Chenle answered, "She saw what that girl did to you and she saw you run out. She's just as worried as I am. She was actually the one who told me to follow you."

Chenle kneeled down in front of Jisung so that they were face to face. He grabbed Jisung's hand and used it to carefully pull Jisung towards him.

Jisung practically fell into Chenle's waiting arms. On any other day, during any other situation, he would have been blushing wildly, but that time it was different.

He rested his head on Chenle's shoulder, pressing his tear-stained face into the crook of Chenle's next to stifle the noise of his crying. He knew his nose was running, knew that he was ruining Chenle's expensive suit, but he couldn't find the strength in himself to let go of the older male, and it seemed that Chenle felt the same way.

Once Jisung's tears had started to slow, Chenle pulled away from the hug, shrugging off his suit jacket in one quick motion that looked much too elegant to have been something Chenle hadn't practiced at least once before.

Or maybe that was just Jisung's stupid brain, in love with every minuscule thing Chenle did or said.

The older male placed the suit jacket on top of Jisung's shoulders, like a cheesy scene from a romance movie. Except it was nothing like a romance movie because there was nothing romantic between Jisung and Chenle.

He was just being a good friend since he knew Jisung was upset. That didn't stop Jisung from daydreaming about Chenle kissing him right then and there, wiping away the negative memories from kissing Hyojin that were still spinning around Jisung's head and replacing them with something positive.

"I'll bring you home, okay?" Chenle said, interrupting Jisung's train of thought.

"Yeah," Jisung replied shyly, "Okay."

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