Chapter 17

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"Jisung! I have good news!" Jaemin yelled into the phone speaker, making Jisung yelp and push the phone further away from his ear, "We're all meeting at my house. I'm not telling you why until you get here, so if you want to know you better get off your lazy ass and come quick. Come on, we're all waiting for you!"

Because Jaemin sounded so excited, Jisung sighed and -with terrible effort- lifted himself out of bed.

His legs felt like jelly from the hours of dance practice he had had the day before, and his plan had been to spend the entire weekend in bed, doing absolutely nothing for once in his life. But apparently, that just wasn't going to happen.

"Where are you going?" Chenle asked him.

He was sitting on the floor of Jisung's room, surrounded by a pile of large, fluffy blankets that made him look so small in comparison. It was cute, but Jisung was too tired to focus on that for once.

He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, so he decided not to think about it.

"Jaemin hyung just called," Jisung said, "He said he wants us to meet at his house. He said we're all meeting there so I'm guessing I'm supposed to bring you with me."

"Wow, he couldn't even call me himself," Chenle said with a pout, "I'm offended. Does he really care so little about me?"

"Just get ready," Jisung replied, pushing Chenle's shoulder playfully as he walked past the older male and making Chenle fall over into the pile of blankets.

"Rude," Chenle muttered, trying his best to untangle himself from the mess of blankets, some of which had fallen on top of him while others had twisted around his legs and arms when he had fallen, which left him trapped in a tangled cocoon of colourful blankets.

"You love it," Jisung replied, even if it hurt him to say.

'You love me.'

That was what he wanted to say, that was what he wished he was allowed to say to his best friend without the implications of friendship looming over them and twisting the meaning of the words. He wanted Chenle to say those words to him, to tell Jisung that he loved him, and mean them in a way other than friendship.

He wanted Chenle to see him as Jisung. Not as Jisung, the shy little boy Chenle had befriended and managed to pull out of his shell. Not Jisung, his friend who gave him relationship advice and comforted him when he needed it. Not as Jisung, the one who had been his best friend for as long as either of them could remember. He wished Chenle would see him as someone he could possibly see in a romantic light.

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

"So what was such a big deal that you had to wake us up, on a weekend, so that we could come here in person?" Donghyuck asked, his tone half annoyed and half sassy, "There's actually this great thing called texting. I don't know if you've ever heard of it but you should try it out sometime."

"You weren't sleeping and we all know it," Renjun said, "You walked here with Mark hyung."

"He could have been sleeping with Mark hyung," Jisung said casually, with a shrug and a small but growing smirk on his lips when he saw his friends all turn to look at him in various degrees of shock, "What?" He asked, playing innocent, even if he knew very well the implications of what he had said, "I'm just saying."

"Where did my innocent baby go?" Jaemin cried dramatically, throwing his arms around Jisung in a tight hug, "My child is growing up so fast!"

Jisung pushed him off.

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