Chapter 19

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Chenle was supposed to be out on a date until late that night.

Jisung didn't know when Chenle would be returning, it all depended on how his date went. If it went well, which Jisung was selfishly hoping against, Chenle might want to stay with the girl instead of ending the night there, spend as much time as possible with her before the night ended, maybe stroll around the city holding her hand, the way Jisung wanted to do with him. If it didn't go as planned, Chenle might come home earlier than Jisung was expecting, but he sincerely doubted that would happen.

Even on horrible dates, Chenle never left halfway through. He stuck it out until the end, because Chenle was kind and perfect, and he never wanted to abandon someone no matter how much they didn't fit together.

- 🐥 & 🐬 -

There was a knock on Jisung's bedroom door, and he groaned at the disruption.

He really couldn't be bothered to stand up to let the person in, so he decided not to move, and  rationalised that if it was anything important, whoever it was would enter the room themselves. If it was something unimportant, they would leave him alone, and either way, it would make no difference to the male.

The door opened silently, revealing Chenle standing in the opening between the hallway and Jisung's room. His dark eyes met Jisung's, and understanding passed between them, without the need for words. Chenle crossed the threshold into the room and closed the door behind him with a soft click that resonated, an echo in the otherwise complete silence.

"You're back early," Jisung commented, trying not to seem too happy about that fact.

"It, uh, didn't go very well," Chenle replied, following his words with a shrug.

"What happened?" Jisung asked, patting the spot next to him on the bed to show Chenle that he was ready to listen to anything, even if it meant the older ranting for the next hour about a girl Jisung hardly knew. If it was what Chenle needed, Jisung was just about willing to do anything.

"It's not a big deal," Chenle said, "Sometimes it takes a long time to find someone you actually match with, you know? I can't expect my first date to go perfectly and end the night having a new girlfriend."

"But this isn't your first date, you've gone on a date almost every day this week."

"Are you trying to make me feel better or worse?" Chenle asked. It was obvious that he was trying to sound playful, teasing, but it was just as obvious that he was failing.

Jisung stood up when he realised that Chenle wasn't going to move from where he was standing, in the center of the room, his gaze fixed on Jisung but doing nothing to move closer to the younger male.

Jisung didn't think before he acted, he knew that when it came to Chenle, such a thing would only lead to him overthinking, so he just did what he hoped would help Chenle feel better.

He placed his hand on Chenle's cheek and, as if on instinct, Chenle leaned into the touch, looking up at Jisung through his eyelashes. He looked absolutely beautiful at that angle, but then again, Jisung thought he looked pretty at any angle.

"You'll find someone who likes you," Jisung told him, "You're amazing, you're kind, your laugh is the most adorable sound in the world and it makes everyone around you happy. Your personality can make anyone fall for you, and your enthusiasm for things that you love is contagious. I don't think I even have to mention your appearance because you get compliments from people on an hourly basis, but you're beautiful too. Not that that's the most important thing, because you're going to find someone who likes you for more than your appearance, someone who likes you for the other things that make you amazing."

𝑀𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 | 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now