~The Test~

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(A/N) I'm going to do these last chapters in 3rd person because it's how I've been writing lately and I've gotten more comfortable writing that way. (And for another reason I can't tell you yet :3)

~3rd Person~ 

"Billy! If your up for it I want you with the guards, find out what each of them are good at and give them a job. They are your responsibility." Sabrina said to the prince. 

The phoenix queen turned to the rest of her family, "Daphne, Uncle Jake, you guys take half of the guards in training and teach them how to fight with the magical items we brought. Mr. Canis, Snow, you guys take the other the other half and teach them how to fight. You will train them for 15 minutes, take 10 minute breaks and switch groups. Keep repeating this cycle until you feel their ready." 

"Puck, I want you to do the same thing you did the the everafter war. We are hopefully going to draw them out of the castle and into the woods where they will have a hard time fighting so I want you to do your specialty and boobytrap the woods." 

The fairyboy grinned evily and dipped his head, "of course m'lady." 

I'm gonna regret that later,  she thought.

"Pinocchio, your good at wood making so I want you to make weapons. I'm going to send a Phoenalum named Glint your way in a little bit and you can tell her if you need anything." The puppet simply nodded.

"Last but not least, Briar. If you would please, work with Issla and Ash to prepare for casualties we also need supplies."

Sabrina sighed before facing the whole group, "I really appreciate all of you guys, thank you so much." 

The 'princess,' Daphne smiled and hugged her older sister, "of course you big dummy, it wouldn't let very punk rock to leave our family struggling like that," she said rolling her eyes.

Sabrina closed her eyes and smiled enjoying the last minute with her family before they dove into the chaos. 

"Okay I better address everyone," she said before turning away and walking to a large stump. 

"Hello members of Phoenixium, I know it's been rough lately but we are going to stand up for ourselves. We are going to take back our kingdom!"

The crowd let out a loud cheer and stretched their wings out wide. Sabrina cringed slightly, not wanting them to be heard, though their excitement was a bit reassuring.

"Anyone who wants to fight can join the guards in training however don't feel pressured to. If you do decide to come talk to me and I will point you in the right direction. If you decide not to fight then you can go with Glint and Briar to collect supplies." She dipped her head to the crowd.

She hopped down and headed to a smaller group of her friends, Glint, Issla, Ash, Bella, and Toby all stood in a circle talking.  

"Okay," Sabrina sighed before continuing. "Issla, Ash, and Glint you guys are to collect supplies with Briar," she paused pointing towards her aunt-in-law who waved. The three simutaneously nodded, "when you get a break from that I want you to come to me and I'll get you into a training group. Issla and Ash you won't be fighting unless you absolutely have to but Glint it's your choice whether you fight or not." She paused, "oh also tell her and the others to watch out for Pucks' traps."

"Before you guys all go your seperate ways have Bella show you who Pinocchio is he may have some specific supplies he needs you to gather I'm not sure. Bella and Toby you will join the fight training if you up for it, Daphne can fill you in on what to do there."

She looked at her friends, "I have to go but thank you guys." 

 "Of course," Bella said while Issla let out a small giggle, "this is our kingdom and your our queen, no need to thank us for doing our duty." 

Sabrina shook her head, "still, I appreciate all of you."

The girl started to make her way through the temporary camp to check on how Charming and the guards were doing when she ran into Red and Rosa. "Oh you two! Red, please go with Briar. I think it would be safest if you help prepare for casualties plus you have the patience for it." Sabrina said to the small girl who nodded in agreeance while trying to hide the small smile on her face.

"Rosa what do you think about fight training?" Sabrina asked and the girls kicked her foot through the air and pumped up her fist, "hell yeah!"

Sabrina smiled and nodded, "okay thanks you two." She said before continuing towards the back of the camp. "Charming how is it going so far, anything I need to add to the list of supplies." 

After the ex-mayor told her what weapons and supplies the group needed she told Glint then walked a bit into the forest climbing a tree and sitting down on a high branch. The 15 year old closed her eyes and sighed. She was leading her people into battle... again.

She gasped and gripped onto the tree beneath her as she felt it dip downwards. "Hey Grimm, rough day huh?" The teen looked over to see her boyfriend right as he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. 

Sabrina nodded, "I'm scared Puck, these are my people," she whispered as she dug her face in the crook of the fairies neck. "I know you are dogface but with you as their queen and leader, we will win."

The boy could feel his girlfriend smile into his neck and heard her whisper, "thanks stinkpot," in a small voice.

The two sat there for quite a while mentally preparing themselves for what was going to happen.

~A Few Hours Later~

The sky had gone dark and everything had for the most part stopped. Everyone had made small ground amongst each other, most likely of their closest friends and sat around fires lit by the Phoenalums' wings talking and relaxing after the long day. 

The Grimm family all sat together mostly in partners of two and Sabrina quietly chuckled as she watched her younger sister and Pin head.

"Daphinocchio is coming true," she whispered to Puck who grinned evily, which by the way seemed way creepier in the fire light. "Yessss," he hissed under his breath. The two laughed and Sabrina put her chin on the fairies shoulder as they continued to quietly talk. 

Eventually the girl fell asleep and Puck carried her to her tent putting her down on her bed. However the teen had a tight grip on his hand and he didn't want to wake her up so after a while he gave up and climbed down next to her and pulled her closer before also falling asleep the last thing he remembered of that night was the warmth of his girlfriend.

(So extra long chapter- take it as an apology for taking so long? The last bit of this chapter was mostly just some fluff for y'all lmao. Feel free to ask me or the characters any questions! Biaaa!!!:3)


Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now