Halloween in Ferryport Landing (Pt. 1)

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Puck's POV

The ugly faced woman stood up when Grimm and I entered the living room, "good Sally you're here we shall be leaving now pack your things." Grimm's face lit up with anger, "no way am I going anywhere with you besides you have no reason to take me anywhere."

"Actually I do, seeing as how your grandmother died and your, er, 'uncle,' here hasn't registered as your legal guardian you will be going back into the system," I heard Marshmallow gasp and Grimm's expression grew dark then she shook her head, "Our mother is back doesn't she qualify as our guardian?"

The woman rolled her eyes, starting to get annoyed, "your delusional child, your mother is gone and you'll probably never see her again now behave and get your things." I stepped in front of Grimm protectively, "she is going nowhere with you lady. Puppet boy get Veronica on the phone." Pinocchio nodded a slight panic twinkling in his eyes. Both of the dogs notice the shift of the room and automatically jump to my side and Jake grabs Daphne.

The ugly older woman looks around the room and grows angerier but Pin head soon gets the girl's mother on the phone and the tension lightens a bit. Eventually Veronica talks the woman down and I escort her ugliness out then turn around to look at the family.

Grimm gives me a hesitant smile then disappears up stairs and I give Jacob, who is still on the phone with Veronica, a sideways glance before following her. I opened her door and found her face down on her bed, "hey pussface."

She sighed and looked up, "hey stinkpot." Sitting down next to her on the bed I frowned, "you okay?" She nodded, "just tired. Honestly I never thought I'd have to see that horrible lady again." I nodded, "well hopefully after today you won't. You should rest though."

Grimm shook her head, "gotta make dinner." Rolling my eyes dramatically I groaned, "let them figure out dinner, we're twelve and not maids or slaves." She seemed to think for a minute then nodded and laid back, "fine but you're staying here too." I laid down next to her, "wouldn't dream of being anywhere else."

~~~The Next Day~~~

Bring! Bring! Bring!  Saturday morning and I was forced awake at 6:30. I groaned and blinked my eyes open letting the morning light through. I noticed Grimm stirring and turned off the alarm which I don't know why she even had then pulled her closer and watched her sleep. Eventually she woke up and kicked me out of the room while she got dressed then we walked downstairs together.

When we got downstairs everyone was already at the table. I noticed the munchkin gang giving me and Grimm googly eyes and I huffed, "eyes on your plate," I said annoyed. The three giggled and started talking amongst themselves and I noticed Canis and Jacob both looking at us.

This time Grimm took over, "oh jeez you two as well? Nothing happened! I was upset and he helped me, hell at least he checked on me!" She sat down and started eating and I soon followed. We all stayed quiet for a few minutes then Marshmallow broke the silence, "so have you given any thought to Halloween?" She asked Red.

The 9 year old looking girl shook her head, "no it's kind of hard to think of costumes when you're surrounded by all the people who you usually would dress up as.."

I blocked out the girls talking and finished my food then walked off to the living room. Grimm soon followed and sat next to me, "sooo, have you thought at all about Halloween?" I shook my head, "I've never celebrated it." She looked at me surprised, "really, a holiday about candy and you haven't celebrated it?"

I shrugged, "well not traditionally, I used to go knocking kids buckets out of their hands and stealing their candy. Never dressed up though." I looked at her and noticed a mischievous look forming on her face, "I got an idea."


We finally arrived at a collection of stores on the edge of Ferryport Landing which was what they considered their 'mall.' The munchkins, Grimm and I got out of the car and headed into the Holiday store. Most of the Halloween stuff was gone since we got there late but there were still some things. The three younger ones headed off into a different direction giggling amongst themselves.

I looked around and soon found a suit of chainmail. I looked over at Grimm and she had a black leather full body suit that looked kind of like Catwoman's suit. We rejoined each other and kept looking around until we both found the last piece of our costumes.

Crowns. We found an end cap full of crowns. Simultaneously we picked our crowns together and smiled. Grimm's was silver with blue gems and mine was silver with green. We looked around for the munchkins who we found out had chosen to be literal munchkins which Pin head was not very happy about but went along with.

Heading to the register Marshmallow trotted beside me, "so when are you two going to tell us what you're going to be?" I smirked, "you'll see."

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now