~Guess Who~

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As the group stepped out of the trees into the abandoned town everyone took it in. It looked a lot worse from when Sabrina and Puck arrived and that was just a week ago.

Sound of sorrow and shock erupted in a wave through the phoenix people. "Ok guys, I know this is your home so it's hard to see it like this but we will take care of it when we take back control of the city. I'm sorry." 

Was all the dethroned queen could manage to say. She had never really felt much loyalty to inanimate objects like houses since in foster care she was always moving and leaving things behind.

Even when Daphne and her visited the future during the war and saw Granny Reldas' house ruined it didn't bug her as much as her little sister. If anything she was more worried about where they would live instead.

It was kind of like her mind kicked into protective mode and was more worried about the future. All of this made it hard for her to muster up sympathy for the phoenalum. Phoenixium was suppose to be her kingdom after all but she never wanted to be the queen of anything more then sneaks so she never really grew attached to this place or it's people.

But either way she HAD stupidly agreed so now protecting this magically town was her responsibility.

They finally got to the outskirts of the castle. Since all the phoenalum had left Felix's underlings had taken over all the houses closest to the castle. It wasn't long before the goons noticed Sabrina's battle patrol and emerged from.. wherever they were.

Basically they showed up as if it were a Disney movie. Sabrina would've laughed if the moment wasn't more serious. "Alright, go tell the patrol in the back that it's time then return back here," she whispered to Glint, who had decided to join the fight after all.

The larger part of the patrol took off at the back luring most of Felix's dumb goons into the forest while Sabrina and Daphne took out the three who stayed behind. 

(Just got a new phone)

The blonde rushed toward the castle immediately lept toward the goon on the left who was guarding the thick wooden door.

The phoenalum was too scared to move and so Sabrina easily knocked him out with the (hilt?) handle of her sword. She had no original intentions to kill but if she had to she would. Or at the very least she believed she would.

See the girl had never killed anyone before but she had been forced to make tough decisions her whole life. It was a possibility.

Would that be considered murder? They never talked about they law or rights and wrongs in old war shows.

Daphne flung a spell at the other guard and it turned him into a harmless toad. If only Sabrina could safely use magic she may not have had to worry about killing at all.

As soon as they got into the castle itself it was pretty straight forward. Group against group 'King' Felix leading one and the rightful Queen, Sabrina Grimm, leading the other.

"So your back?" Felix sneered looking down his nose at her. "You abandon your people then you come back to claim something that shouldn't even belong to you?"

"Yeah, yeah listen not tryna hear your grand villain speech." Sabrina says with a hand on her hip.

As her eyes examined the room she noticed that Peter, Wendy, and the lost boys were sitting in chairs near Felix.

So they had joined him? Backstabbing bastard. It made Sabrina glad that Red had stayed behind with Mr. Canis. Puck soon landed next to her. Transforming from a fly back into his humanoid form with glittery pink fairy wings.

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like that wannabe fairy! He's so totally mine!" Sabrina's just looked at him and shrugged.  Half because he was covered in multiple kinds of things she did not want thrown at her. 

[Oh my god I guess it's time for an A/N huh? Well I'm so sorry for not writing for the longest time and making the story so short.  Honestly I have kind of been ambitionless when it comes to any kind of writing even my own because I've been exhausted.  I also have kind of fallen out of the Sisters Grimm fandom so that doesn't help however I'm determined to finish this book eventually.  I had to write this on my phone too cuz my mom is not being very...  "Nice." but anyways thanks you guys I'll try to work on the next chapter quicker next time. ]

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now