You Better Know What Your Fighting For

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Puck's POV

I was the first to rush through the magical portal home, behind me came Jake who I stepped aside for, then finally Grimm.

My girlfriend stumbled out of the portal and it closed behind her. Sabrina didn't seem to have caught her balance in time for her to not fall on me.

I fell with her, my back landing on the hardwood floor which I winced in pain to for a second the smirked. 

"Hello, love," I said grabbing her waist and pushing her up back on her feet. Grimm blushed slightly and bit her lip while looking at the ground which I bit back a chuckle to her being flustered.

"Sorry I haven't traveled like that in quite a while," she muttered before realizing the whole family was staring at them, a certain younger Grimm biting the palm of her hand excitedly. 

Sabrina rolled her eyes and elbowed me when she saw me grinning, "what? No point in hiding it now." I said simply shrugging.

The blonde looked at me with piercing blue eyes in thought, "your right I suppose," she muttered the turned to the curious eyed others.

"So we have an announcement," she said nodded at me. "Puck is officially my boyfriend," she said awkwardly and Daphne immediately squealed and rushed towards us hugging both of us. 

The rest of the Grimm family and friends nodded and mumbled their thanks and I felt Sabrina's hand slip into mine.

I saw the phoenalum put her other hand on her sisters shoulder and smile slightly before sighing, "I... have more news however." Sabrina paused and frowned squeezing my hand, "while I was here I neglected Phoenixium for a while. A phoenalum named Felix took over and ran all of the phoenalum who refused to follow him into the forest. Therefore, I may need your help," she said warily looking around the family.

I saw Jake tense and whisper something to Briar. Marshmallow looked up at her sister with a troubled look and back up to face her, "we have been threw war, evil foster parents, school, even our childhood fairytales came to life and now your dating one of them. Of course I'd be willing to help you retake your reign over a bunch of phoenix people. Plus it would be totally punk rock," she said the last part quieter. 

I saw a flash of relief flash in her eyes then she looked around the family. 

Mr. Canis, who seemed a lot more frail then he used to be, stepped forward and surveyed the group.

"I believe we are ready to help you, girl," he looked around again questioningly, "am I wrong?" He asked.

The other shook their heads, Red more vigorously then the others probably trying to appease her adopted guardian and help her best friends sister.

I wasn't sure at first that the family would be willing to help, especially since they had grown so far apart in the past months but they all seemed ready to jump into the fight.

The Grimm girl sighed in relief and I hooked her arm into mine and started speaking, "from what we saw," I paused looking at Sabrina for a moment. "We're going to need to train these people, and fast. We're also going to have to pull out all those magic weapons stashed in the attic."

Sabrina took over again, "Daphne your in charge of magical items and training." I noticed a look of mutual trust flash between the two. Marshmallow had always felt like Sabrina belittled and babied her so it was good to see the change between the girl. 

My girlfriend turned her gaze to me, "you do your specialty, when we go back your going to scout out the castle, figure out what you need to do. Just be careful,"  she emphasized the last part a begging look in her ocean blue eyes. 

I smiled and nodded reassuringly, "of course love."

She narrowed her eyes at the last word obviously embarrassed and I chuckled. Sabrina shook her head turning her gaze to Briar who had a humorous motherly smile. "The townspeople love you and you know them well, if you wouldn't mind, gather the people you know would be okay with helping."

The pale women nodded and smiled sweetly, "I would love to hun," she said in a smooth velvet. 

I noticed that ever since Briar Rose had married the girls' uncle she had became a motherly figure in their lives, in the younger kids lives to. 

Sabrina smiled and bit her lip worry mixed with relief was apparent on her face. I grabbed the shorter girl, who I had once been so mean to, by the waist and pulled her into a hug resting my chin on her head.

"We'll get through this," I said quietly and smirked as she pulled away to look at me. "What's with the cocky expression mister?" 

I chuckled, "you turning me soft Ms. Grimm." She grinned, "I noticed."

We were interrupted by a certain young Grimm groan, "eww, now your just gross."

Sabrina reached down to tickled her younger sister, "I thought you wanted us together," she pointed out with a grunt as she tackled the girl and proceeded to tickle her eventually the other young kids joining the what was now a dog pile.

I watched with a smile as they rolled around playing on the floor, maybe my future self was right to marry this girl. Either way, I'm sure that hasn't changed about the future.

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now