Before You Go To War

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Sabrina's Third Person

"This is where all of your supporters escaped to after Felix took over. He threatened to kill or exile anyone who rose against here so we ran and hid. After a while... we thought you had abandoned us.." 

The female phoenalum looked down at her feet looking ashamed. "Uh yeah some things were were happening in Ferryport Landing but I'm here now," the teenager assured. The younger girl nodded warily. 

"Can you maybe take me to Twilia?" Sabrina asked the phoenix girl who looked down with a frown. It hit the Grimm girl like a train, "she didn't make it did she?" 

Puck stepped forward to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she looked at him for a quick minute trying to keep a brave face on though the Faerie could tell she was miserable.

Sabrina looked back to Glint, "Ash and Issla then?" The younger phoenalum nodded vigorously and turned around so fast it nearly give the family whiplash. 

She led the group through the dark forest and stopped when we could here muted voices and see lights threw the bushes. Glint sighed and gave Sabrina a sympathetic glance before pushing threw the pushing into what seemed like a make-shift campsite.

Immediately Sabrina got flashbacks of the war and she shuttered under her breath. The girl looked down when she felt something squeeze her hand then realized it was Puck. 

She looked at him and the two shared eye contact, the looked at each other and the emotion was overwhelming, love, sorrow, and the fact the she could tell the same thing raced threw his head hurt.

The two had gone through the everafter war together. They fought and they won.

She looked at him a few seconds longer before turning to Glint, "we'll wait here, you go get Issla and Ash." 

Those seconds they had shared eye contact meant alot, he was telling her that they would win this to but Sabrina recognized something else in his eyes. 

Something she had seen many times between her mother and father, her uncle and Briar Rose, and in pictures of Granny Relda and Granpa Basil.

A look of passionate love, a look that didn't need words. She could have gotten lost in her mind forever but she had things to do. 

Finally the young Phoenalum siblings walked up with Glint and looked at Sabrina. Their faces twisted into extreme joy, "oh thank the phoenix your here," Issla said before running up and hugging Sabrina before remembering she was the queen.

The younger girl backed up and bowed slightly, "sorry Queen Sabrina."

The young Grimm girl resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she heard a certain fairies' and uncles' muffled laughs.

"No need to be formal," Sabrina pointed out, "tell me what happened," she requested so the girl did.

They found out that Felix had declared he was taking over Phoenixium a few days after Sabrina had gone "missing" claiming that she was going to do the same thing as her mother had and they needed a real leader. He had executed the guards days before this one by one and no one knew who was doing it. The when he had finally claimed the thrown he executed Twilia publicly to prove a point, join or die. The phoenalum who didn't join fled the town that night and came here.

This story horrified Sabrina, this guy actually had trained goons to defend him which is why the townspeople didn't fight back. 

She new what she had to do but this was going to be a fast and bloody war. "We need to go back home," Sabrina said expressionlessly. 

Daphne's Third Person

Daphne woke up and stumbled down the hall passing her sisters room. The door was open so in the moment she decided to go bug her. That was until she found out Sabrina wasn't there. 

She's probably down stairs, the girl thought and skipped downstairs towards the smell of breakfast food.

Briar had cooked, she did that a lot lately. It was more like the food that Daphne and Sabrina used to have in New York then the wacky food food their granny made. 

Her newfound aunt greeted her, "hello Daphne. Your sister, Puck, and Jake have gone to phoenixium. They should be back soon." She told the girl who nodded affirmation before sitting down. 

"Did they say why?" Daphne asked with a mouth full of food. "Something about Sabrina and a dream," the women said in a soft velvet voice.

Daphne nodded again and continued filling her mouth with soft, sticky pancakes. 

Soon the rest of the house joined the table to eat breakfast and as the family split seperate ways to do their normal Saturday routine a portal opened in the Grimm's living room.

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now