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Yes, I did det video, cringe warning!

Red's POV

Pinocchio ran to the rock and tried to hand me the bracelet. The urge to rip out his throat subsided as soon as I curled my fingers around the smooth clear and blue stone. 

I smiled slightly and slipped the bracelet onto my wrist, "thanks." I said looking at Daphne and Pinocchio as any signs of the wolf began to fade away.  

Daphne looked at me, "of course anything for my bestfriend!" She said with a cheerful but still slightly concerned voice. 

We all hung out quietly in the water for the remainder until the adults called us. They car ride was quiet to... What was happening?

Daphne's POV 

I walked to me, Red, and Pinocchio's room as soon as I got home, I guess the other two had the same idea cause they followed me into the room and settled down on their own beds. I turned on Supernatural and we all quietly watched it unsure of what to say.


Puck's POV

I sat at the dining room table next to Grimm as she talked to Moth (they decided to go out to the dining room since Moth's room was so small). Rosa, Issa and Ash hovering close by curiously. Moth seemed a lot more polite and actually kind of nice, it was weird. I don't trust her at all but Grimm seems to, well a little bit at least. 

Grimm got up and without realizing yanked me up with her she looked at our wrists which were still handcuffed together the gave me a scowl, "that's your own karma" she said looking at the scratch it had caused. I shrugged "still fun to torture you." I teased. She rolled her eyes "do you at least know where the keys is or did you swallow it again." 

I gave a grin and didn't answer which caused her to roll her eyes and turn back to Moth, who had also stood up, and ignore me. I took out the keys and dangled them so they made a tingling sound.

Sabrina made a sharp turn to glare at me, "you had the stupid keys all along!?" I nodded and flashed a smirk, "of course."

She snatched them from my hand and started toying with the cuffs until they were off. She punched my arm after her hand was free and walked off to show Moth around. I decided to split off from the girls and head outside, not being entirely sure I even wanted to see Moth's ugly face.

I leaned against the wall quietly watching. I saw a familiar face heading my way and growled. "Here to cause more trouble!?" I shouted. He glared at me, "no and what I do is none of your business, as a matter of fact I was coming to see my girlfriend." (At this point if you didn't know it's the boy who keeps trying to get with Sabrina.)  

Was he talking about Grimm? "Don't you dare touch the queen," I said angrily. "I didn't say your girlfriend did I, no! My girlfriend." He said and pushed passed me into the castle.

I followed stomping behind him and was surprised to see who he headed to.  "Issla is your girlfriend?"  I say shocked.

He smirks at me and Issla gives me a confused look but he urges her away before she even started to ask questions.

I look around for Grimm and start to walk the way I last saw her and Moth walk. I quickly find them and Grimm gives me an agitated look. 

"What," she asked with a sharp edge to her tone. She seems different...  "First off, your kingdom is boring as hell, maybe get like a waterpark or something. Second off, do you know Issla's boyfriend is that one boy!?" 

Grimm rolled her eyes, "yeah i'll get on that waterpark right away." She said sarcastically, "and who Issla dates is none of my concern." 

Wow.... "Ok... well we should head back to the old women's soon..." Grimm shrugged, said goodbye to Moth and walked off not waiting for me to follow. 

Later at home....

We arrived threw the portal into Grimm's room, which Grimm quickly walk to her bed, sat down, and turned on the TV. I stared at her for a moment before she turned, glared at me, and told me to get the hell out. 

I couldn't tell if she was just mad over the handcuff prank or something was wrong... She wasn't usually this mad over a prank... Well except the time I glued a basketball to her head. Heh. 

I went to my room and took a 'nap' or more like sat down on my trampoline bed and attempted to sleep and failed. 

Oh my Odin, I'm sorry it took so long to post! I've been super busy with school and chores and animals! Also (mainly) I had no ambition or ideas on how to write this page so yeaaaah... -Night

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now