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         Sabrina's POV

      I woke up a day and a half after the expirence with Puck. Thick bandages still covered my sore wrists and disappointment was trapped inside of me. Or maybe regret. Not regret that I tried to kill myself but the fact I got caught.

I slid on my most comfortable pair of ocean blue pajama shorts and put on a white tank-top over them. As I slowly, but painfully, crept out of the room I grabbed my red robe. 

Finally I made it into the bathroom 

and closed the door quickly behind me. I took my clothes off and got a towel from the linen closet setting it on the towel rack.

Steam started filling the small bathroom as the shower got hotter. I climbed in the shower all the way and sighed closing my eyes and just standing for a long time.  Eventually I got out and wrapped the towel around me walking to the full length mirror.

My hair had almost completely gone back to its original color but it still had a light coat of blue and it looked wierd. It had also grown a bit more and it now came down to my lower back. I decided I was gonna ask to get a haircut I wanted to keep it short. 

I walked back to my room and put the same pajamas on then walked downstairs. We rarely ever had breakfast anymore since I never cooked and Granny was dead.

I found a lump against the fridge, "Puck?" I say in a slight scoff. He looked up with a groan then quickly got up. 

I opened the fridge and gave him a few strawberries, "eat." I said slightly angrily. He shoved the strawberries in his mouth and ate them. 

I took a water bottle out of the and drank it the cold liquid soothing my throat. Puck opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him to silence him. 

I walked to the living room and looked around, like usual no one was here. I felt like the house was getting emptier and emptier. 

Sitting down I pulled a hoodie on, an old green one. (HINT, HINT)  I smiled as the warmth filled my bones plus the fact the large sleeves covered my arms. I laid on the couch quietly staring at the ceiling.

I heard Puck walk in from kitchen and I saw a flash of green in the corner of my eye. He was leaning against the half door half wall that separated the kitchen and living room.

"Talk," I growled. I couldn't stop the tears that spilled down my face. White, hot, anger seeped through my veins and I trembled slightly waiting for Puck to break the silence. 

Puck's POV

I sighed and slowly walked over to her, "I'm so sorry Sabrina," I said as my voice came out in barely more then a whisper. I kneeled beside her and wiped her tears, her face was burning with rage, I could feel it run through my hand.

"Why'd you leave" she asked in a strained squeaky voice. "I thought you hated my, all I had was you and I thought you hated me, I heard the old lady was.. dying. I thought there was nothing left for me here. I figured you had Pheonixium and Moth and Rosa, Issla, Ash..." I trailed off guilt taking over. 

She turned to me her eyes full of Regret, "It's not just you, I was selfish." She said I tried to argue but she continued anyways. "No, it's true. You were going through a hard time as well. The person who adopted and took care of you was dying and I was only thinking about me. How I felt, I was a total jerk to you when I should have been trying to help." A new set of tears rolled down her face. 

I sat on the couch and pulled her up and close to me cradling her in my arms. "I will never leave you again," I whispered in her ear and she looked at me a playfulness peaked though the storm in her eyes. 

"Good because I wouldn't be able to handle you leaving again," she sighed, "yes I had other people but their not the same. But I haven't even visited them since you left, I need you, forever, for always." 

We sat there for a while together with Grimm in my arms, finally the family arrived. They noticed us but didn't say much just awkwardly sat in their own seats around the living room not knowing really what to say. 

What has this family come to?  I wondered a frown filling my face.

I am SO sorry this chapter took so long yall. -Ebony/Night

Puckabrina and the Grimm Sister #2Where stories live. Discover now