Chapter 8: The Sports Festivals

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Start Of The Sports Festival (Momo POV)

"Hello Everybody" Present Mic said from his stand, "Today is the launch of the sports festival! Our referee for this years 1st years competition is Midn- Wait Hold on folks the referee has changed and will be Class 1-A's very own Izuku Lunar"

'Wait what Zuzu Is the Ref, I don't think I can take this'. Suddenly the whole crowd goes quite In confusion wondering how one of the should-be contenders is the ref and why He is the ref. 

"Aizawa can you explain this to me and the audience please I don't understand how a student got the position as ref?" Mic Askes

"Sure, but just this once. You see Izuku Lunar out there is Nezu's personal student, and he pushed Izuku to train his mind for once since he is way out of all the other children's league in combat ability, so on Wednesday two weeks ago he took his Provisional license exam and passed, then took his Teachers License exam and passed Izuku Is the first and probably only student-teacher. Before he came he had knowledge beyond a University Graduate And had the Battle strategy knowledge rivaling Nezu's so after he got his licenses he took over my class while I recovered. Now Izuku may not look It but he's a demon when it comes to training people he whooped my class up so much they rival a second years control and a knack for how to use their quirk and he did it in 3 classes and that's not mentioning the fact that he was holding back considerably to make sure the other students at least had a chance. Now as for how he got Ref Midnight was only going to be ref because we had no other available teachers but Midnight's costume and the way she acts is to mature for highschool so now that Izuku can legally be the referee he will be for today and tomorrow however he will be a participant for the 3rd years sports festival on Wednesday. There is your explanation I'm going to bed" 

"You heard it here folks one of the students is already qualified to be a teacher! So Now let me introduce you to the stage Izuku Lunar"

Smoke came up and out of a little tube in the middle of the stage Izuku came up. ' I still can't believe how strong he is'. Then Zuzu started walking to the microphone on stage.

"Hello everybody my name is Izuku Lunar, Now I would be the one to give the opening speech because of my placement during the entrance exams however I am the Referee and not a contestant so that honor will go to Class 1-A's Katsuki Bakugo who scored 2nd on the entrance exam. So without further ado give it up for Katsuki Bakugo." Zuzu Said

"As much as it feels demoting knowing that you're the judge nerd, I know that you definitely deserve it, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna hold back. I'm Gonna win this thing, and that's final." Bakugo said

The crowd gave boo's to Bakugo because they thought he had an inflated ego. I knew he did but it wasn't missed placed In our class the strongest fighters were Bakugo, Todoroki, and Zuzu. 'No that's Wrong stop demoting yourself you placed higher than him'.

"Now for the first activity, we will be doing...." Zuzu started as he spun the wheel "An obstacle course the competition has been chosen runners to your position"

Immediately everyone scurried to the edge of the area and got ready to start. I know Todoroki is probably going to freeze the start so I secretly made a protective device.

"GO" Zuzu yelled 

Immediately Todoroki froze the floor and it seems to have caught everyone but class 1-A. Everyone in my class was prepared, nice. I made booster boots which was a recent invention made to make people move a lot faster It never reached the public but I knew how to make it so I did.

"Look at this It looks like class 1-A takes advantage of Todoroki's trap and uses it to speed past the rest of class. right now Todo- No not anymore Todoroki has been passed up by Momo Yayarozu from class 1-A and Katsuki Bakugo. Katsuki Bakugo Is flying using explosions from his feet and hands to fly forward while Momo used her quirk to create booster boots and is now racing forwards at a pace as fast as Bakugo." 

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