Chapter 12: Confession and a...

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Izuku POV

Over the next week and a half, I could barely keep my feelings inside and I kept losing all composure when I was with her. Tomorrow we would hang out and I'm going to confess. Tomorrow was Friday and next week we were going to have a training camp but based on what I heard they were going to try to break us. As if they could break me.


Thursday 4:42 Pm

AcidQueen: HEYO!!!

Everybody (I'M LAZY OK): HI mina!!!!

                                                               Mina Kicked, GreenTeach, and Creation

Sonic Ver 0.5: MINA!!! this is the class group chat for Important Updates! Add them back right now

Floaty: Mina why did you kick Deku and Yayarozu?

Hardboi: YA? Not manly Mina.

AcidQueen: chill I'll add them back in just a sec just need to pick your guys' mind on something

Froppy: What *Ribbit*

IlikeAnimals: ^



AcidQueen: I want your guys' help setting the Student-Teacher with our VP

Floaty: Isn't that personal? 

Mina: Not anymore.

Sonic Ver 0.5: Mina we should refrain from getting involved in our peer's personal lives. It is disrespectful and inconsiderate. As Hero's In training we should focus on helping others that's true, but, we should also make sure our peer's life is there own, we shouldn't force them into anything they might not be ready for.

PIKA!Dumb: Ya I just didn't read that too many words.

Everyone: ^ 

Floaty: But seriously let them figure out there own feelings

AcidQueen: Yall are dense as hell if you cant see that the only person Lunar gets flustered with Yayorozu!

AcidQueen: Also they are not just on a first name basis but have a Nickname for each other's first name. 

PIKA!Dumb: Just like you and Kiri?

                                                                            AlienQueen has gone offline

Hardboi: Woah dude you dust broke her. Not very manly

PIKA!Dumb: We all know you like her too

                                                                         AlienQueen is Online

                                                                        Hardboi Went Offline

MusicNerd: Wow... Just wow I didn't expect Kaminari to pull that kind of stuff off.

AlienQueen: M-Moving on...

                                                                          Hardboi Is online


                                                                           KingExplosionMurder is Online

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