Chapter 25: The Onslaught

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"Hello everybody, I have gathered our forces today because of some news and battle strategy," I announced

Eventually, the crowd of 40ish people began to erupt in questioning

"While we are now in the middle of a war, I believe it's time we start to proceed to execute order Guerilla tactics" 

"WHAT?!" The adults yelled

"Yes and here is why, I will be taking down Space-time seals and we will be moving to a classified location that no-one but me alone will know where it resides. This way if we get down to the end of the war and one of you is captured then they will have no extensively valuable information," I explained


"No way in hell I'd let that happen, which is why we're going to do hit and runs, Now the 40ish people that are here we need to do this we can't lose anyone else. Have none of you noticed that we're now fighting with Gennin level Chakra or terrible Nen stamina? Has anyone noticed that when the war started we could take out hundreds-thousands of villains yet now we consider ourselves successful if we can take down 50? At this point it's not a matter of if our stamina runs out, It's when. Other than me and our Jinchuriki we can barely fight back, Just look at the country we've already lost most of the country, We can't win like this, but now we can" I announce

"How? I mean this just sounds too good to be true" Endeavor asked

"Because now we will only send out one team per day, while everybody else rest's up it the teams and order will be chosen at random, and then at the end of the cycle new groups will be formed to keep our enemies on our toes, We already know that first Shigaraki is going to take U.A first, what he doesn't know is that there isn't a single civilian left to prove to Japan that they're greater, once they do realize they're gonna start searching. I plan to leave some portals around to teleport the villains into some random area of another city to confuse them to no end, but with more time to rest, hidden tactics, and silent attacks we will take back the city," I explained then yelled, "NOW WHO IS WITH ME!"

And that sent a chorus of 'yea's', 'me', and let's do this' around the area

And thus began the third phase of what would be marked in the history textbooks named the War of the World

Two weeks later

This plan is really working beyond my expectation. We've just begun the second rotation of groups and we've knocked down the villain and Nomu count from 14,500ish to just under 7,000

Suddenly my door opened and All Might stepped inside, "Izuku we have a problem,"

"And what problem would that be, All Might?" I asked

"We just lost Recovery Girl from Cancer which she hid, and Gran Torino from A sudden heart attack, and we lost also lost today's squad," He said

"WHAT HOW? I-i me-mean they should have been perfectly fine what happened?" 

"Apparently the League has moved forward their Assassination team and are now sent to assassinate at the first chance even if they're Identified rather than waiting to kill without being seen," He said

"Alright thanks, Dad, but who was in today's squad?" I asked

"Thirteen, Ectoplasm, Kenji Kouda, and Rikidou Sato," He said clearly saddened

"Alright, thanks for the notice. I'll tell the group, were taking tomorrow off all of us, to pay respects" I said

No fucking deal, Just lost some great friends, HA just kidding their assassination team is DEAD.

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