Chapter 19: A brewing war

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July 1st, 2321:

Me and my team have been training the recruits for nearly a month. All Might, Sir Nighteye, Bakugo, and Ryukyu are mastering their respective techniques faster than the rest, however, are still behind all of the people who started training before them. The average recruit has MASTERED 3 Jutsu all of which are B rank or lower. If my calculations are correct which they almost always are Thanks to Light and L. The members of the LOV will probably attack by the end of the month.

When hero society crumbles.

I then flipped on the TV and turned to the news, and saw breaking News,

Reporter: We've just gotten news thanks to the power of the latest Hero's the Hero Association has decided to keep the current top 10 as well as the Hero-in-training Awakening to be paid while the rest of Heros will be suspended from there pay due to the lack of crimes in the city! This is a true Utopia thanks to all the hard work we no longer need to worry about Super-Villains and an unyielding fear of villain attacks.

Reporter 2: I disagree what happens when the Top 10 and Awakening retire? Will they get the choice of who will become Paid hero's and who isn't? If that's the case then that is extremely Unfair to those hero's who don't work for fame but genuinely help from the goodness of their soles like Awakening who currently is heroing WITHOUT pay because he is still technically in school.

Reporter 1: But still then they will be able to choose who is strong enough and nice enough to carry out the duties of a hero.

Reporter 2: THAT WON'T WORK! Eventually, the hero's will become corrupt maybe not our current 11 but what about the next 11 or the ones after eventually realizing how much power they have they could overthrow our Government!

Reporter 1: That won't happen the heroes would never let that happen!

Reporter 2 is correct. Also, they don't realize that the LOV is still on the loose. This is bad, very bad.

*Ring* *Ring*

I call the news office while the show is continuing.

"Hello MHA News this is carol," the receptionist replied

"Hello this is Awakening I would like to put my opinion on the current matter if that is alright with your station," I say

She mumbles something to her Co-Workers and then she said to come over. Seeing this I made a shadow clone to watch over Eri while I flew over to the News station, I was watching the whole news program, and Right before I arrived they announced I would be coming to the show. Seeing this I went as fast as I could and got into the station and knocked on the door.

Reporter one hearing this said excitedly, "And here he is now the Hero-in-training AWAKENING!"

I walk up and say bluntly, "Reporter two's point of view is correct."

"WHAT! care to explain?" Reporter 1 questioned

I sit down and unequip my hero suit and said, "Our current number 1 hero: Endeavor, and the previous number 1 hero: All Might be both great hero's however they were terrible people, All Might was Quirkest, and Endeavor is an abuser. I have proof and brought it with me, HOWEVER, the biggest reason it will fail is that organized crime breaks won't be stopped fast enough in the future making EVERY bust a life-threatening bust with major injuries to all 11 heroes."

"That is an interesting POV I wonder what the government will do," Reporter 1 replied

"Thanks for your time I'll take my leave now," I said getting up teleporting home.

If this goes right the government will cancel their plans for another week pushing the LOV's plans back another week giving me a chance to teach them all an A-rank Jutsu for the Newbies in do-or-die moments, and an opportunity to train Aizawa with the Sharingan.

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